Mon app météo l'avait prévu, mais j'attendais de voir pour y croire :) après pluie+vent hier soir, la neige est tombée :)
Bonjour les gens ! Aujourd'hui c'est #parkrunday !
Tomorrow is #parkrunday! And we celebrate #fasching in #riemerpark! Who comes?
#5K #running #walking #laufen #gehen #parkrun #riemerparkrun #munich #münchen
#parkrunday #fasching #riemerpark #5K #running #walking #laufen #gehen #parkrun #riemerparkrun #munich #munchen
Saturday is #parkrunday !
#parkrunday #riemer #parkrun #munich #running #walking #5K
Bonjour les gens, celle qui va aller marcher/courir par -3⁰C vous salue :)
Saturday is now known as snowy parkrunday :)
Jogged and walked round #AllyPallyParkrun in an official time of 35:31. Given the lack of other running I’ll take that. 🙂
Then to the café to help sort out the results after we lost about 70 scans! 😳☕️🥐
#parkrun #parkrunday
#allypallyparkrun #parkrun #parkrunday