Thanks to @jp4all for doing a great action network alert and having such a positive message and great art on your website and for @ShareTheCities for hosting the action form.
#Seattle #LandUse #Trees #Urbanism #StationAreaPlanning #TransitOrientedDevelopment #Parks4All #RenameJacksonPark #GreenCities #GreenZoning #Future
Follow them now!!!
Let folks in #Shoreline know their voices are needed, too!
#seattle #landuse #trees #urbanism #stationareaplanning #TransitOrientedDevelopment #parks4all #renamejacksonpark #greencities #GreenZoning #future #shoreline
View from Lands End on a beautiful morning (today). (no tweaks or filters)
#getoutside #sf #hike #cargolife #nativeplants #parks4all
Great day out on Marin trails. #getoutside #getoutside #parks4all #marin #diasridge
#getoutside #parks4all #Marin #diasridge
#CitizensUnited has kept politicians from putting on the shelf solutions to work such as the #deflationary #renewables and more #parks4all.
#citizensunited #deflationary #renewables #parks4all