Parks and Recreation ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ #ParksAndRecreation #trakt
Kotaku: Brilliant Mash-Up Puts Ron Swanson In Half-Life 2 #gaming #tech #kotaku #entertainmentculture #parksandrecreation #residentevil4 #wallacebreen #michaelscott #nickofferman #leslieknope #ronswanson #halflife2 #theoffice #halflife #johnwick #swanson #russel #alyx #ron
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #entertainmentculture #parksandrecreation #residentevil4 #wallacebreen #michaelscott #nickofferman #leslieknope #ronswanson #halflife2 #theoffice #halflife #johnwick #swanson #russel #alyx #ron
Parks and Recreation: Klassentreffen mit Li'l Sebastian beim Streik #ParksAndRecreation
Oh no, I finished rewatching #ParksAndRecreation and now my life is so empty.
Currently rewatching #ParksAndRecreation, and I'm getting a weird sense of vertigo seeing #elon run #x exactly as if he were a real life Tom or Jean-Ralphio (but without any of the charisma).
Estoy demasiado nerviosa y ahora mismo no quiero ver recuentos ni nada, así que me voy a cenar algo mientras veo #Bleach, y puede que luego me ponga algún capítulo de #ParksandRecreation, que empecé a verla y me está gustando mucho. Ya si eso luego miro a ver cómo va la cosa, pero es que ahora mismo no puedo :dogno:
Thinking about Nick Newport Sr and Evangeline Popular from Parks and Recreation flirting with each other is giving us most of the feels! #ParksandRecreation #ParksandRec #NickNewportSr #ChristopherMurray #EvangelinePopular #AvaCapri
#parksandrecreation #parksandrec #nicknewportsr #christophermurray #evangelinepopular #avacapri
We totes stan Marcia Langman and Wreston St. James from Parks and Recreation. #ParksandRecreation #ParksandRec #MarciaLangman #DarleneHunt #WrestonStJames #BradHall
#parksandrecreation #parksandrec #marcialangman #darlenehunt #wrestonstjames #bradhall
He's a 10 but he doesn't want Abby Fenr and Craig Middlebrooks from Parks and Recreation to kiss. #ParksandRecreation #ParksandRec #AbbyFenr #CarolAvery #CraigMiddlebrooks #BillyEichner
#parksandrecreation #parksandrec #abbyfenr #carolavery #craigmiddlebrooks #billyeichner
Thinking about Grace Callahan and John Cena from Parks and Recreation getting married is giving us life! #ParksandRecreation #ParksandRec #GraceCallahan #LouisaAbernathy #JohnCena
#parksandrecreation #parksandrec #gracecallahan #louisaabernathy #johncena
The whole gang agrees that Dr. Harris and Stu Fretch from Parks and Recreation should get married. #ParksandRecreation #ParksandRec #DrHarris #CooperThornton #StuFretch #VanEpperson
#parksandrecreation #parksandrec #drharris #cooperthornton #stufretch #vanepperson
The most perfect ship on Parks and Recreation is Tanenn (Tania and Glenn Furgiolio). #ParksandRecreation #ParksandRec #Tania #BeckyThyre #GlennFurgiolio #CraigStepp
#parksandrecreation #parksandrec #tania #beckythyre #glennfurgiolio #craigstepp
I feel like I know how #RonSwanson felt in the #ParksAndRecreation episode when he looked up and realized everything was different and everyone was gone. I just don't have a fourth floor to go to, nor a Leslie Knope to talk to.
#parksandrecreation #RonSwanson
The only thing we want is for Keg Jeggings and Casey Jomes from Parks and Recreation to get married. #ParksandRecreation #ParksandRec #KegJeggings #WernerHerzog #CaseyJomes #AlexanderStamm
#parksandrecreation #parksandrec #kegjeggings #wernerherzog #caseyjomes #alexanderstamm
Despite the overwhelming weight of #government #oppression against #unhoused people that i briefly touched on above, i think we have a pretty good chance of keeping some space to live in this case— it is #railroad land, and the #Minneapolis #ParksAndRecreation employee John or Jon is going out of his way to push the railroad to go along with the city's plans for total elimination.
A little bit of pressure could convince parks to stay in their lane, and #BNSF truly, profoundly, doesn't care.
#oppression #Unhoused #railroad #minneapolis #parksandrecreation #BNSF #government
We all just want Leslie Knope and Gayle Gergich from Parks and Recreation to canoodle. #ParksandRecreation #ParksandRec #LeslieKnope #AmyPoehler #GayleGergich #ChristieBrinkley
#parksandrecreation #parksandrec #leslieknope #amypoehler #gaylegergich #christiebrinkley
Ron Swanson aus Parks and Recreation 😅
Ron Swanson Fancy Dress Costume Parks and Recreation
#parksandrecreation #ronswanson #nickofferman
Everyone in the world just wants Harris and Typhoon from Parks and Recreation to cuddle. #ParksandRecreation #ParksandRec #Harris #HarrisWittels #Typhoon #RodneyTo
#parksandrecreation #parksandrec #harris #HarrisWittels #typhoon #rodneyto
The only thing we want is for Chris Funk and Sasha Dunkirk from Parks and Recreation to smooch. #ParksandRecreation #ParksandRec #ChrisFunk #SashaDunkirk #CarolineFogarty
#parksandrecreation #parksandrec #chrisfunk #sashadunkirk #carolinefogarty