I've been on #hamradio HF for over 20y.
I made 350k QSO.
I dive in every pile-up and run high rate CW contests. 100% success.
BUT for my first #parksonthair I seem to be a little scared. I have no idea how to begin.
The setup is ± ready, I have a never activated before ONxxxx reference 2km away (I even applied to give the park a ref nr). It's also an ONFF ref...
But I've run out of excuses NOT to pack up and go there. Yet I don't know what keeps me.
High expectations? Strange...
The rig/P in flight case? ✅
CAT with #n1mmlogger ✅
USB audio coded works? ✅
Another step closer to my 1st #parksonthair
#pota #hamradio #parksonthair #n1mmlogger
Today I had a rare special #POTA #parksonthair #CWoperator #morsecode #qso with a #hamradio #amateurradio operator who was born 3/31/28. 95 years old and SOLID operating. #neversayyouaretooold
#neversayyouaretooold #amateurradio #hamradio #qso #morsecode #cwoperator #parksonthair #pota