Pickup is 10-12 on Sunday September 17. Getting some for #ParkToPark103 also. An #OpenStreet .
A neighbor who is against the W103rd open street has inadvertently publicised the NYC DOT Car Share program by telling us there is a vehicle in an assigned spot at 99th and Riverside Drive and that DOT is getting $475 for the spot. $475 is much more than $0.
#curb #OpenStreets #parktopark103 #carshare #nycdot #nyc
@peter had to steal and paraphrase: When the W103rd SIP is implemented it will be so nice it will look like an architectural render.
@pfrishauf who leads the #ParkToPark103 #OpenStreet organization provided these wonderful links in the context of a discussion about the lack of retail in the Tower in the Park concept used to create the first #NYCHA housing in #NYC
#towersinthepark #nyc #nycha #OpenStreet #parktopark103
Peter Frishauf who leads the #ParkToPark103 #OpenStreet organization provided these wonderful links in the context of a discussion about the lack of retail in the Tower in the Park concept used to create the first #NYCHA housing in #NYC
#nyc #nycha #OpenStreet #parktopark103
Did #bike #surveys for #OpenStreets #StreetopiaUWS in an area of the #UpperWestSide of #Manhattan and noticed a dumpster on 77th that was a good candidate for a #mural.
On the way to Barking Day event I passed a #dumpster on 103rd (an #openStreet managed by #ParkToPark103 at the bottom of the #Broadway WEA segment of #103. Also a good candidate for a mural. https://parktopark103.slack.com/files/U048GA2MG8P/F04BQHG1ERY/pxl_20221119_184716786.jpg
#broadway #parktopark103 #OpenStreet #dumpster #mural #manhattan #upperwestside #streetopiauws #OpenStreets #surveys #Bike