RT @WowMachineRadio@twitter.com
Sorry folks, NO #HighlightsFRIDAY today in observation of the situation here in Cuenca, Ecuador where our main studios are located.
Stay tuned though, @Dr_Revelator
will be breaking in with updates. #ParoNacionalEcuador #Ecuador #EstadoDeExcepción #ParoNacional #ParoDeTransporte
#vivaelparo #highlightsfriday #paronacionalecuador #ecuador #estadodeexcepción #paronacional #parodetransporte
There are even 'military style' vehicles **SUPPLIED BY THE USA** roaming the neighborhoods & using their LRAD systems to shout at people.
How do I know they are supplied by the USA? Because the fucking LRAD announcements are in English and it is the same voice you hear from the riot cops in Portland, OR. They didn't even change the pre-recorded language. Sick fuckers.
#ParoNacionalEcuador #Ecuador #EstadoDeExcepción #ParoNacional #ParoDeTransporte
#paronacionalecuador #ecuador #estadodeexcepción #paronacional #parodetransporte
Here's what it looks like when a national general strike comes to the neighborhood.
#ParoNacionalEcuador #Ecuador #EstadoDeExcepción #ParoNacional #ParoDeTransporte
#paronacionalecuador #ecuador #estadodeexcepción #paronacional #parodetransporte