🚀 Introducing Python's Parse: The Ultimate Alternative to Regular Expressions! Learn best practices and analyze Nginx access logs like a pro. Check out my latest article on @towardsdatascience
#Python #Parse #RegEx #DataAnalysis #TowardsDataScience #nginx
#python #parse #regex #dataanalysis #towardsdatascience #nginx
Epsilon is sometimes represented in #POBNF (Plain Old #BNF) as the Greek letter
itselff, the letter 'E' or 'e' or sometimes as '...' Different
BNF authors write it according to their own internal rules, apparently.
The fact of the symbol in BNF shows the rather tight coupling between a #grammar
notation and the underlying finite state machine tech used to actually #parse
the strings in the #language. Really, it is just multiple states returned from the delta function. #NFA #PDA #DFA
#pobnf #bnf #grammar #parse #language #nfa #pda #dfa
Your request was heard. In the past couple of months, I published a #syslog_ng #tutorial series in #blog and #video format, which brings you from basic #logging #concepts to using syslog-ng to #collect, #parse, #enrich log messages and #store them to #Elasticsearch. This blog serves you as a kind of "Table Of Contents".
#syslog_ng #tutorial #blog #video #logging #concepts #collect #parse #enrich #store #elasticsearch #youtube
Does anyone else #parse #fediverse as "fe-diverse" rather than the apparently-intended "fed-iverse" or it is just me? #parsing
#Prototype pollution project yields another #Parse Server #RCE
It gives me great pleasure to welcome Jeff Lewis to #sanfrancisco #scala #meetup with a talk on Introduction to #cats #parse RSVP now and see you there. #typelevel #functionalprogramming https://www.meetup.com/SF-Scala/events/276753362
#sanfrancisco #scala #meetup #cats #parse #typelevel #functionalprogramming
#Parse, #validate, #manipulate, and #display #dates and #times in #JavaScript.
#parse #validate #manipulate #display #dates #times #javascript #dev