@r3pek @jerry That's an optional but very useful tag that terlls recipiants where they should send aggregate reports to you so you can troubleshoot #DMARC and track evil people trying to spoof you. I have another open source project called #parsedmarc that will manage these reports right out of your report inbox and ship parsed reports to Elasticsearch and/or Splunk. https://domainaware.github.io/parsedmarc/
New versions of my #DMARC tools have just been released.
#checkdmarc 4.5.0 is a CLI and #Python module for validating SPF, DMARC, and BIMI records. It can also test SMTP TLS.
#parsedmarc parses DMARC forensic and aggregate reports and ships the results to Elasticsearch or Splunk, with premade dashboards for Kibana, Graphana, and Splunk.
#dmarc #checkdmarc #python #parsedmarc