#Parsing it works well.
I know a #AngularJS prog that handles 20.000+ jsons no sweat.
<3 it 😋
this was a garden path sentence for me...you?
"Breaking News: Biden's poll numbers get stronger, and more" === Biden gets both stronger and more poll numbers somehow?
...multiple seconds of confusion pass...
...Oh. OK. I get it now.
#headlines #GardenPath #sentences #English #parsing
SSH Can Handle Spaces In Command-line Arguments Strangely - One of the things ssh can do is execute a command on a remote server. Most of us e... - https://hackaday.com/2023/07/15/ssh-can-handle-spaces-in-command-line-arguments-strangely/ #linuxhacks #openssh #parsing #linux #bug #ssh
#ssh #bug #linux #parsing #openssh #linuxhacks
What are the best (and ideally still in print) textbooks that cover parsing expression grammars (PEGs) and Packrat parsers?
#ComputerScience #ProgrammingLanguages #ProgrammingLanguageTheory #Programming #Parsers #Parsing #PEG #Learning #Textbooks
#computerscience #programminglanguages #programminglanguagetheory #programming #parsers #parsing #peg #learning #textbooks
Parsing JSON as an AST, and exclusively working with it during runtime is not a bad idea sometimes.
This guy is writing a compiler from scratch.
He is writing it in the #C lang . https://youtu.be/apFUyLupFgE
#parsing #lexing #compiler
There are approximately 50 videos in the playlist.
Hat jemand mal alle Github-Repos die so Rezepte-Parsing machen durchgeguckt und einen Favoriten ausgemacht?
Sieht ganz gut aus.
A new blog post about upcoming changes in #Arpeggio/#textX
I'd be lost w.o. #php as #jquery / #js seems to suck at #parsing ...
It might be arduous, but sooner than not I might just be able to ease some stuff.
#Stringreplacement alone is invaluable.
I'll leave the #compiled languages to you and @koyu
I'll deal with the rest.
And then we will rule the worl-..
I mean "be gud" ad #coding z :Alcea_LolFace:
#php #jquery #js #parsing #stringreplacement #compiled #coding
Fantasy Name Generator https://github.polettix.it/ETOOBUSY/2023/03/21/fantasyname/ #perl #parsing
Parsing Permutations - Trees, Temporality, and Termination 🔗 https://recursion.ninja/blog/perm-parser #parsing #haskell
This is the eleventh part of my #syslog_ng #tutorial. Last time, we learned about message #parsing using syslog-ng. Today, we learn about enriching log messages.
#syslog_ng #tutorial #parsing #youtube
"[H]aving these tools could come in handy when working with various binary data formats. For extracting and filtering data on the command line, fq offers an accessible way. To edit binary data, GNU poke is a powerful tool. To parse and maybe serialize binary data in one of the supported programming languages, Kaitai Struct offers a flexible approach."
#tools #binarydata #parsing #encoding
#Parsing in #syslog_ng creates name-value pairs from log messages using parsers. It is probably the most interesting but also the most complex part of syslog-ng.
Learn about how parsing works and some of the most important syslog-ng parsers:
Anyone into #parsing #formallanguages willing to look at a solution for an exercise from the purple #dragonbook for me?
The exercise in question asks to write a recursive descent parser for what seems to me like an ambiguous left recursive grammar. I solved the ambiguity by completely ignoring the left recursion. Is this reasonable? Would you have taken a different approach? Short python solution & grammar at https://gitlab.com/-/snippets/2510459
#dragonbook #formallanguages #parsing
Right now I'm working on the 10th part of my #syslog_ng #tutorial series: #parsing using syslog-ng. The first nine parts are available from this #YouTube playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoBNbOHNb0i5Pags2JY6-6wH2noLaSiTb
#syslog_ng #tutorial #parsing #youtube
The proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Universal Dependencies (UDW23) are now live on the ACL anthology https://aclanthology.org/volumes/2023.udw-1/
Parsing, How HTTPS Works, PostgreSQL 13, and Container Orchestration
#parsing #https #postgres #container
👉 Please retweet if you ❤ Plurrrr. Thanks! 👍
#parsing #https #postgres #container