Ricardo Harvin · @ricardoharvin
1283 followers · 10849 posts · Server mstdn.social

I just finished enrolling in "regular" and a plan.

Everyone touting as a cure for problems here in the are small thinkers because is a mess, incomplete, and a nightmare to navigate and decipher.

Do I need ? Does it make sense? Did I pick the right Part D plan?

It's literally all "pieces parts", and just as appealing.

or gtfo.


#addiction #mental #vision #dental #physical #universalhealthcare #medigap #US #insurance #Healthcare #medicareforall #prescription #partd #medicare

Last updated 1 year ago

Jason Blake · @jblakekauai
5 followers · 12 posts · Server mastodon.world

I help consumers succeed with and train other insurance agents to do the same. There’s a huge amount happening in the market place that is technically non-compliant but no one is enforcing. Some tips:
1) it’s illegal to telemarket for parts and plans but it is happening. Block and report the violators.
2) there are ads touting benefits often reserved for those who have both Medicare and . Not available for most people.

#medicare #medicareadvantage #partd #medicaid

Last updated 2 years ago