Right you are!
Oil and Gas Money to Congress
And their own portfolios as well!
Members of Congress Own Up to $93 Million in Fossil Fuel Stocks
As dire climate change projections mount, one in four members of Congress is invested in oil, gas, or coal interests.
'Representative democracy' is an oxymoron that functions to maintain minority/oligarch rule.
We the people, will not find life, liberty and happiness until we wrest control of our lives from the self-serving hands of the rich.
#representativedemocracyisneither #directdemocracy #participatorydemocracy
Big news - Jonno is taking his brilliant grassroots, system-changing politics to the Brisbane Lord Mayoral race. This’ll be exciting.
You can also learn how to replicate what he did on council in a workshop he’s running at our The Green Institute conference on Friday!
#democracy #grassroots #PoliticalEcology #Greens #ParticipatoryDemocracy
#democracy #grassroots #PoliticalEcology #greens #participatorydemocracy
As horrifying as are the consequences of #CultureWar for oppressed groups, remember that its function is to #DivideAndConquer- so as to avoid all-out #ClassWar.
Regan's unholy alliance with Pat Robertson ushered in this era of #WhiteChristianNationalism upon which the oligarchs (by way of #RepresentativeDemocracy), misdirect and zap our limited energy and resources, and distract us from their theft of everything valuable; including planetary life.
#WakeUp people, before it's too late!
'Representative democracy' is an oxymoron that functions to maintain oligarch rule!
We the people, will not experience life, liberty and happiness until we wrest control of our lives from the ruling class!
#SystemFail #NoWarButClassWar #culturewar #divideandconquer #classwar #WhiteChristianNationalism #RepresentativeDemocracy #WakeUp #representativedemocracyisneither #directdemocracy #participatorydemocracy #getinvolved #organize
Thessaloniki: A place for bottom-up democracy? https://www.euractiv.com/section/participatory-democracy/video/thessaloniki-a-place-for-bottom-up-democracy/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #demotec #Greece #participatorybudgeting #participatorydemocracy
#demotec #greece #participatorybudgeting #participatorydemocracy
'Representative democracy' is an oxymoron that functions to maintain oligarch rule.
#empowereveryone #directdemocracy #participatorydemocracy #RepresentativeDemocracyIsNeither
Beyond elections: How citizens can influence political decisions https://www.euractiv.com/section/participatory-democracy/video/beyond-elections-how-citizens-can-influence-political-decisions/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #Participatorydemocracy
@SociologyMag @shakil_prof
An ethical and practical question is whether corporations should be treated like people or not [1].
"as long as it's within the law": a court case with a mega-dollar funded legal team for a corproation versus ordinary people with 100-dollar (or de bono) funded lawyers risks giving an unjust result.
And nothing's wrong with *requiring* corps to have #ParticipatoryDemocracy (become cooperatives).
'Repesentative democracy' is an oxymoron that functions to maintain minority (oligarch) rule.
It will take developing #DirectDemocracy #ParticipatoryDemocracy for #WeThePeople to experience true life, liberty and happiness.
My hope is that we get to it before it's too late.
Pew Research Report
February 27, 2020
Democratic Rights Popular Globally but Commitment to Them Not Always Strong
3. Satisfaction with democracy
#SystemFail #RepresentativeDemocracyIsNeither #directdemocracy #participatorydemocracy #wethepeople
#Bookchin #Anarchism #SocialEcology #ParticipatoryDemocracy: "He thought that to prevent the powers that be from running the show—the political and economic elites—he thought that power needed to be returned to the hands of the people directly. Democracy needed to be a matter not of representation of people going into voting booths and sending representatives to Washington to make decisions on their behalf where they could easily become corrupted. He thought that power had to stay with the people in their localities. He argued for citizens’ assemblies, or what I like to call “assembly democracy”—he didn’t use that term, but it seems to me to describe it.
It’s a democracy organized around people in assemblies making decisions about their communities, and then over broader areas. The assemblies would send mandated delegates to confederations, where decisions could be made in the aggregate for larger areas. The purpose was to ensure that power flowed from the bottom up and not from the top down. He argued for this the entire rest of his life until his death in 2006. He started a school called the Institute for Social Ecology, and leapt indefatigably around the United States, Europe, and in other parts of the world, to try to build a movement around these ideas. But, I have to say, by 2006, he had not succeeded in building a strong movement that he dreamed of in the United States and died basically a disappointed man."
#bookchin #anarchism #socialecology #participatorydemocracy
Cluj-Napoca’s experiments with participatory budgets https://www.euractiv.com/section/participatory-democracy/video/cluj-napocas-experiments-with-participatory-budgets/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #Participatorydemocracy
Cluj-Napoca’s experiments with participatory budgets https://www.euractiv.com/section/participatory-democracy/video/cluj-napocas-experiments-with-participatory-budgets/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #Participatorydemocracy
@nemobis @OliverEscobar @kamil_bernaerts @OtwartaNauka @civodul
Could Polish universities implement authentic #ParticipatoryDemocracy?
'Innovation and Conservatism 2.0' [1] collects in-depth analyses of Polish universities' implementations of the 2018 Ustawa 2.0 #Ustawa2_0 [2] that radically restructured the system, increasing per-university centralisation via the Rector. Chapter 4 (Democratic aspects): how unis reorganised to conserve or recreate some aspects of democracy.
#ustawa2_0 #participatorydemocracy
Exploring the cosmos is valuable- it can increase our understanding of the physical universe.
Sending people to the moon however, is #CorporateWelfare that advances the commercialization and #MilitarizationOfSpace!
Selecting minority astronauts is a joint government/ corporate marketing strategy to sell this #CorporateSocialism to liberals.
'Representative democracy' is an oxymoron that functions to maintain minority (oligarch) rule.
We the people, will not experience life, liberty and happiness until we wrest control of nature and our lives from capital.
#nasa #spaceexploration #corporatewelfare #militarizationofspace #corporatesocialism #RepresentativeDemocracyIsNeither #directdemocracy #participatorydemocracy #degrowth
Slovenia's Initiative for Citywide Assembly (Iniciativa mestni zbor – IMZ) celebrates 10 years of citizen assemblies.
#DirectDemocracy #Assemblies #Municipalism #Horizontalism #ParticipatoryDemocracy
#directdemocracy #assemblies #municipalism #horizontalism #participatorydemocracy
“Confusing terminology aside, we need to talk about the delegation of political authority, why it’s a big deal, and how it could impact political participation as democracy goes digital” https://democracy-technologies.org/getting-started/delegative-democracy-an-introduction/
#legislatures #representation #delegativedemocracy #deliberativedemocracy #participatorydemocracy #representativedemocracy
#legislatures #representation #delegativedemocracy #DeliberativeDemocracy #participatorydemocracy #representativedemocracy
Strategic #disinformation and #trolls already infect #socialmedia and #politicaldiscourse as a whole. But now that #participatorydemocracy is gaining ground, will it start to target outcomes directly?
#participatorydemocracy #politicaldiscourse #SocialMedia #trolls #Disinformation
The online voting platform that was used by Italy's #FiveStarMovement to select the candidates for the 2013 parliamentary elections didn't take account of human decision heuristics and cognitive shortcuts, research shows.
Candidates were more likely to attract votes if they appeared towards the top of the screen and if they appeared more likeable from the self-uploaded picture.
#participatorydemocracy #onlinevoting #fivestarmovement #behavioralsciences
I have written part of a proposal for a digital liquid representation system. I would be very grateful it anyone here who might use such a system would let me know what their requirements would be so I can write a well-informed technical proposal.
#Democracy #DigitalDemocracy #DemocracyTechnology #ParticipatoryDemocracy #Participation #directdemocracy #liquiddemocracy
#democracy #digitaldemocracy #democracytechnology #participatorydemocracy #participation #directdemocracy #liquiddemocracy