And this is basically how you can make experimental #fluiddynamics measurements such as #ParticleImageVelocimetry #PIV in fixed bed reactors used, e.g., as heterogenous catalytic reactors in the chemical industry.
RT @TheSpaceGal
Using the refractive index to make pennies float 🪄
Impt safety note: dry water beads grow 100x their size (to what you see here), so be extra vigilant with the dry beads before they’ve grown around kids…
#fluiddynamics #particleimagevelocimetry #piv
A so-called cross-correlation for two consecutive images will give you the direction and value of the flow velocity in the recorded flow field.
Here's an example where I recorded the water movement surrounding a bubble rising through the field of view
RT @drlutzboehm
So, I told you about the #bubble and #CFD (see 🧵). A couple of years later I used the LASER-based technique #ParticleImageVelocimetry #PIV to investigate the flow…
#bubble #cfd #particleimagevelocimetry #piv