#SCOTUS is intent on making America a #ChristoFascist hellhole.
With LGBT and student debt decisions, the Supreme Court turns back the clock | Opinion
#racism #homophobia #transphobia #Islamophobia #antisemitism #bigotry #whitenationalism #racist #rightwing #terrorism #PartisanHacks #ChristoFascism #ChristianNationalism #discrimination #roevwade #lgbtq #civilrights #cartoon
#cartoon #civilrights #lgbtq #roevwade #discrimination #ChristianNationalism #Christofascism #partisanhacks #terrorism #rightwing #racist #whitenationalism #bigotry #antisemitism #islamophobia #transphobia #homophobia #racism #christofascist #scotus
I am so sick of the Roberts court. This smells like a scam.
The Mysterious Case of the Fake Gay Marriage Website, the Real Straight Man, and the Supreme Court
In filings in the 303 Creative v. Elenis case is a supposed request for a gay wedding website - but the man named in the request says he never filed it.
#SCOTUS #FascistJustices #Fascism #ChristoFascism #homophobia #homophobes #PartisanHacks #DishonestJustices #SupremeScam #SupremeHomophobes #PackTheCourt
#packthecourt #supremehomophobes #supremescam #dishonestjustices #partisanhacks #homophobes #homophobia #Christofascism #fascism #fascistjustices #scotus
The Supreme Court and 'The Shadow Docket'
"The shadow, or emergency, docket, is the way many cases today, sometimes hugely consequential cases, are decided, without full briefing or oral argument, and without any written opinion."
"In just four years, the Trump Justice Department asked the court for emergency relief an astounding 41 times, and the court actually granted all or part of those requests in 28 of the cases."
Please. He doesn't think the law applies to himself. Did anyone expect him to do differently, given how obstinate he's been about reusing himself? #PartisanHacks
@rbreich The Supreme Court has had centuries to adopt a code of conduct. Congress has had centuries to impose one on them. Why are we pretending this is a new problem?
Oh, right, the #PartisanHacks that currently infest the court.
Well, come on Congress. Ball's in your court. The Supremes aren't going to regulate themselves.