It makes sense for everyone to minimize #partisanship on an open source social network, fundamentally meaning espousing values & issues subject to skepticism & #CriticalThinking over emotions & shilling for political parties.
There should be a reason for #Mastodon to exist over the private networks.
#Mastodon #criticalthinking #partisanship
If you don't push Democrats on existing law enforcement, YOU are not serious about gun laws.
Senator #Manchin espouses that the extremists in both parties are a danger to democracy when, in fact, his actions help the partisan divide with his words and action.
Manchin views arise from his seeing the right and left as equals with no distinctions, but this is a myopic view and a very dangerous one. This is a false equivalency. The two are not equal. One side has a view that is a danger to democracy because it is a #fascist, #whitesupremacist view while the other side isn’t. Now I’d like to give him the benefit of the doubt and think that he is just naïve and ignorant of the stark differences between the two. But considering his age and experience, it is a difficult jump to this conclusion. I believe he fully understands the differences but fails to speak or act on them instead following a path of stoking #partisanship and division within the country for his own gains and not for the welfare of the country and our democracy.
#manchin #fascist #whitesupremacist #partisanship
@harrymccracken there's an esoteric correlation between #partisanship & #advertising not interesting to virtually all of us.
Broaching begins when you're weary of deliberate lies & distortions from every institutional source of information.
#partisanship #advertising #propaganda
@colburn acknowledging tragedy the rest of the problem isn't how you see it. #partisanship
@dangrsmind that & attacking a politician because of their party won't fly in an open/critical environment when you're voting no cleaner.
#Fascism as a definition isn't just for the right. #TheDemocraticParty in California is fascistic.
It's that old saying, as close as you get to "absolute power corrupts absolutely" the more it is true.
#Partisanship especially in this era isn't truth or virtue.
#fascism #thedemocraticparty #partisanship
@Drand Interesting I don't really think about the subject from a #Psychology angle, but if I did research would focus on what it takes for an individual to transcend partisan bias for a meta/neutral fact-based perspective.
For me it was expensive classrooms & having the same problems as the side opposite I supported or opposition from both.
#psychology #propaganda #partisanship #independentvoter
A quotation from Rogers, Will:
You know, the more you read and observe about this Politics thing, you got to admit that each party is worse than the other. The one that’s out always looks the best.
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #change #partisanship #party #politics #statusquo
#quote #quotes #quotation #Change #partisanship #party #politics #statusquo
History’s 1st #FederalIndictment against a fmr president poses one of the gravest challenges to #democracy the country has ever faced. It represents either a validation of the #RuleOfLaw principle that even the most #powerful face #accountability for their actions or the moment when a vast swath of the public becomes convinced that the system has been irredeemably #corrupted by #partisanship.
#Trump #NationalSecurity #Indicted #Obstruction #Espionage #Legal #JackSmith #DOJ #ClassifiedDocuments
#federalindictment #democracy #ruleoflaw #powerful #accountability #corrupted #partisanship #trump #nationalsecurity #indicted #obstruction #espionage #legal #jacksmith #doj #classifieddocuments
A quotation from Rogers, Will:
You take a Democrat and a Republican and you keep them both out of office and I bet you they will turn out to be good friends and maybe make useful citizens, and devote their time to some work instead of electioneering all the time.
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #election #partisanship #politician #posturing
#quote #quotes #quotation #election #partisanship #politician #posturing
@ProPublica Do you care? What synapses need to cross for anyone to care about an easily preventable mass shooting? #Partisanship
#Partisanship assumes that your group is 100% right about 100% of things, 100% of the time, and needs no outside perspectives or debates to learn anything new, ever again.
This has never been true. For any group. Ever.
Cocoon yourself at your peril.
Gloating over Trump's indictment is pathetic. Like a bunch of fucking middle schoolers.
Even breathing a sigh of relief is dangerous -- both because the legal system should not solve political problems and because it most likely won't solve our political problems.
#Trump #Dems #partisanship #USA #politics
#trump #dems #partisanship #usa #politics
From 10 Mar: Little rewards get people to see truth in politically unfavorable info - EnlargeGetty Piecing together why so many people are willing to share misinform... #behavioral-science #human-behavior #misinformation #partisanship #science
#science #partisanship #misinformation #human #behavioral
Ars Technica: Rewarding accuracy gets people to spot more misinformation #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #Behavioralscience #misinformation #Humanbehavior #partisanship #Science
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #behavioralscience #misinformation #humanbehavior #partisanship #science
Rewarding accuracy gets people to spot more misinformation - Enlarge (credit: Getty)
Piecing together why so many people ar... - #behavioralscience #misinformation #humanbehavior #partisanship #science
#science #partisanship #humanbehavior #misinformation #behavioralscience
Purely in terms of style, R. Emmett Tyrrell was a more entertaining read than Matt Taibbi and a sharper wit than Tucker Carlson. What we might call the rhetorical entropy of movement conservatism.
#conservativism #rhetoric #media #reagan #mattTaibbi #tuckerCarlson #foxNews #disinformation #partisanship
#partisanship #disinformation #foxnews #tuckercarlson #matttaibbi #reagan #media #rhetoric #conservativism
Many states banding together
For partisan challenges now
Supreme Court explains how
#supremecourt #stateags #laws #partisanship #haiku #poetry
#stateags #haiku #supremecourt #laws #partisanship #poetry