I'll pass on posting pics of #PartManxFreyja on this #Purrsday and instead tell you about her being outside this evening. She chased bugs. Then she saw the new neighborhood cat (it has gray fur just like the previous one but is smaller and also has white mitts) and tried to chase it under the bushes near where I've seen it from the window. I had to restrain her as I wasn't sure what she'd do. She sat by the bushes for about ten minutes before getting scared & running back to near our condo. 1/2
I first saw the hashtag #Purrsday today and I think it's delightful! So here's some pictures of #PartManxFreyja this evening in the kitchen. #Cats #FediCats
#purrsday #partmanxfreyja #cats #fedicats
#PartManxFreyja is doing her neighborhood watch duty from her cat tree on this #Caturday. Of course she's watching for birds and squirrels. Maybe some bunnies, too. Don't worry; she won't be able to harm any of them. #Cats #FediCats
#partmanxfreyja #caturday #cats #fedicats
Today's #WhiskersWednesday pics: we see #PartManxFreyja sleeping on a blanket, looking extra cute with her left front paw over her eyes. Then I got too close and woke her up. #Cats #FediCats.
#whiskerswednesday #partmanxfreyja #cats #fedicats
For today's #WhiskersWednesday it will be a double feature. First up: #PartManxFreyja in my first ever pic of her laying on my lap, taken this afternoon! #Cats #FediCats
#cats #fedicats #whiskerswednesday #partmanxfreyja
Today's #WhiskersWednesday pictures capture #PartManxFreyja as she's giving herself a bath on the couch. I've kept both of us inside due to the smoke from the Canadian wildfires making Champaign look somewhat like Silent Hill.
Some bad news about the gray cat that's been outside of my condo: the neighbors who had been feeding it have moved out but the cat remains. I may have to pick up the mantle of feeding it outside as Freyja is hostile to both other cats and dogs.
#whiskerswednesday #partmanxfreyja
@littlemiao It's not any better here in east central Illinois, either. In fact while yesterday I could only faintly smell the smoke when I went outside to get my mail, today I could clearly smell it. It's a major reason why I've stayed inside and kept the windows closed. That goes for #PartManxFreyja too.
@That_One_Guy I have one of those chairs in my bedroom. I don't know which of us has used it more: #PartManxFreyja or me.
No pics, but a small update on #PartManxFreyja: a few days ago she lost her collar. I'm not sure when she lost it and it may have been when I was walking her outside and she went after the cat I call "Neighborhood Cat," but I haven't been able to find it so far.
This has only happened once before, back in 2019. Back then I found it near one of the casters of my computer desk. This time around I have no clue where it is.
On this warm day in east central Illinois #PartManxFreyja decided that the coolest spot was in the bathroom sink. So once again I have pictures of her being liquid. #Cats #FediCats
#partmanxfreyja #cats #fedicats
For this #WhiskersWednesday I took it literally and got pictures of #PartManxFreyja that emphasize her whiskers. So essentially closeups of her face. #Cats #FediCats
#whiskerswednesday #partmanxfreyja #cats #fedicats
I know it's not WhiskersWednesday or Caturday, but I couldn't resist taking these two pictures of #PartManxFreyja while she was on the floor looking so cute! #Cats #FediCats
#partmanxfreyja #cats #fedicats
#PartManxFreyja has decided to be liquid this morning. It's a good thing I was able to get a pic now because I won't be able to for Caturday. #Cats #FediCats #Manx
#partmanxfreyja #cats #fedicats #manx
It's been awhile since I posted cat pics. For this #WhiskersWednesday I give you pictures of #PartManxFreyja when she and I were outside, her on a leash and in a harness. She likes to chase the leaves that blow in the wind outside my condo. If she catches one she'll hold it in her mouth until she finds a suitable place to put it down. Usually it will start blowing again shortly and she'll find another one to chase. #Cats #FediCats
#whiskerswednesday #partmanxfreyja #cats #fedicats
It's been awhile since I posted #Caturday pictures of #PartManxFreyja so here's three taken with my new tablet. Here she wants to go outside so she can chase the leaves that blow in the wind.
I'd get a picture of #PartManxFreyja, but she's currently got a mouse cornered and I don't want to disturb her. If she catches it then it will be the second I've seen her do that with. She may be casual normally, but she definitely goes into huntress mode when she's going after prey.
A late #Caturday pic. Here we have #PartManxFreyja laying in the spot where my keyboard would otherwise be on my computer desk. I move the keyboard onto my lap when she does this. When she does it's a sign that she loves being around me even when I'm working, and I'm always happy to oblige her with pets & scritches. #Cats #FediCats
#caturday #partmanxfreyja #cats #fedicats
I know 2022 was a terrible year for a lot of people. For me it was definitely one of change. The two best things I did both involve buying things, and I kind of feel bad about that, but nevertheless I'm glad I did both:
1. I bought a condo, ending 19 years of renting from landlords
2. I bought a folding bike, allowing me to cycle in places and situations where I hadn't been able to before, most notably when traveling
It's also the first year I'd taken #PartManxFreyja to the vet since 2019.
Last #Caturday pic of 2022. #PartManxFreyja has decided to make the space in front of my monitor where I'd normally have my keyboard her own. #Cats #FediCats
#caturday #partmanxfreyja #cats #fedicats
I probably won't be around for Caturday so I have pics of #PartManxFreyja here on #WhiskersWednesday instead! Here she's laying on the laser printer, which I just used about a half-hour ago. That means it's still warm enough for her to use as a sitting/napping spot. #Cats #FediCats
#partmanxfreyja #whiskerswednesday #cats #fedicats