I've blogged for Research in Practice ahead of our partnership conference on developing a trauma-informed system and supporting, sustaining and strengthening #SocialCare practice https://www.researchinpractice.org.uk/children/news-views/2023/february/making-trauma-informed-practice-a-reality/ #SocialWork #PartnershipC
#partnershipc #socialwork #socialcare
Lastly, Rachel Casey from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation shared some stark info on the current state of play:
The basic rate of benefits is the least generous it's been for 40 years.
There is rising destitution.
Increased foodbank use.
Rough sleeping has doubled
#poverty #socialwork #partnershipc
This is a really inspiring film on from ATD Fourth World. My colleague said that "It's so inspiring to see what can be achieved when people are given the power to act" https://youtube.com/watch?v=FUb3nhGTwFg&embeds_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fatd-uk.org%2F&source_ve_path=MjM4NTE&feature=emb_title
#PartnershipC #SocialWork #Poverty
#poverty #socialwork #partnershipc
Language came up strong. My colleague said that we need to think about the language we use and ensure we aren't blaming people for their circumstances. Poverty is not a form of self-neglect – if you haven’t the money to meet basic needs it is not a choice. Sam Keith from Newcastle asked whether the phrase "cost of living crisis" sanitises #poverty? #PartnershipC #SocialWork
#socialwork #partnershipc #poverty
"Social care is like the back of your wardrobe - different approaches come back into fashion so don't chuck anything out" < This was a great chat about the role of #community #SocialWork. There was some reflection around getting back to working in localities, and @Dez_Holmes shared this fascinating report on community social work in Scotland https://www.iriss.org.uk/resources/reports/community-social-work-scotland #PartnershipC #SocialCare #Poverty
#poverty #socialcare #partnershipc #socialwork #community
We had a great discussion about the political nature of #SocialCare. It may not be party political, but we need to maintain our #activism It reminded me of a great discussion we had with Dr. Bridget Ng’Andu about her research into local authority social workers’ experiences of activism through volunteering with Social Workers Without Borders https://www.researchinpractice.org.uk/all/news-views/2020/november/leading-services-that-work-for-everyone/ #PartnershipC #Poverty #SocialWork
#socialwork #poverty #partnershipc #activism #socialcare
Really enjoyed the Research in Practice conference on poverty and adult social care today. Some of what I took from it coming up:
Dr. Godfred Boahen talked about wht we need to widen our perceptions of #poverty What we traditionally think of as poverty comes with stigma. We need a more holistic and broader description of what poverty means #PartnershipC
Research in Practice have our annual adults conference today on the impact of poverty in adult social care. This blogpost covers what we'll be looking at https://www.researchinpractice.org.uk/adults/news-views/2023/january/the-impact-of-poverty-in-adult-social-care/ Will be tweeting for us in the bad place using #PartnershipC, will also post what stuck out for me here using the same hashtag
#poverty #socialworkuk #socialwork #socialcare #partnershipc