Homie wanted to charge me $44 for a dryer belt. At $8 on Amazon how could I not?
@deutschlandfunk #TeildesProblems? Warum #lügen? Sie zu #Cannabis? Werden Sie falsch beraten? Werden Sie ihre Erkenntnisse #unterEid vor dem #Menschenrechtsgerichtshof so wiederholen? Bitte machen sie sich nicht AfD-like kundig!
Dr #SanjayGupta admits the #USA has been #lying for 70years about cannabis health benefits. He admits he was #partoftheproblem.
via #PeterGrinspoon MD #weed #hemp #health #fff #LG
#Söder #Scholz #Aiwanger #Merkel #Sauer #Lindner #Buschmann #SPD
#spd #Buschmann #lindner #sauer #merkel #aiwanger #scholz #Soder #lg #fff #health #hemp #weed #petergrinspoon #partoftheproblem #lying #usa #sanjaygupta #menschenrechtsgerichtshof #untereid #cannabis #lugen #teildesproblems
#TeildesProblems? Lieber Karl Lauterbach, bisher habe ich sie immer für einen aufrechten Wissenschaftler gehalten. Warum lügen Sie zu #Cannabis? Werden Sie falsch beraten? Werden Sie ihre wissenschaftichen Erkenntnisse unter Eid vor dem Menschenrechtsgerichtshof so wiederholen? Bitte machen sie sich nicht AfD-like kundig!
Dr #SanjayGupta admits the #USA has been #lying for 70years about #cannabis health benefits. He admits he was #partoftheproblem.
via #PeterGrinspoon MD #weed #hemp #health #fff
#fff #health #hemp #weed #petergrinspoon #partoftheproblem #lying #usa #sanjaygupta #cannabis #teildesproblems
{ https://troet.cafe/@shantyworld@mastodon.social #Connection Cannabis use & perhaps its #protection from #diabetes 2.
Need more studies tho.
#CNN is also running a show TODAY, Sunday 6 Aug 2023, 7pm CT on the #benefits of #cannabis. Dr #SanjayGupta admits the #USA has been #lying for 70years about #cannabis health benefits. He admits he was #partoftheproblem.
via #PeterGrinspoon MD #weed #hemp #health }
#weedmob #letztegeneration #Lauterbach #Scholz #Söder #Aiwanger #Buschmann #humanrights
#petergrinspoon #partoftheproblem #humanrights #Buschmann #aiwanger #benefits #connection #Soder #scholz #protection #lauterbach #LetzteGeneration #WeedMob #health #hemp #weed #lying #usa #sanjaygupta #cannabis #cnn #diabetes
Well if you are going to do something, may as well do it properly. Right @CARROT ?
The #concept of “ #AmericanExceptionalism ” has a long history. The #EncyclopediaBritannica defines #American #exceptionalism as the “idea that the #UnitedStatesOfAmerica is a unique & even morally superior country for historical, ideological, or religious reasons.” What if American exceptionalism has a different meaning when compared with other industrialized countries?
#concept #americanexceptionalism #encyclopediabritannica #american #exceptionalism #unitedstatesofamerica #usa #unitedstates #partoftheproblem
ダパイダン105 in #吉祥寺. 2023/01/13.
焼小籠包 were amazing. Other food was pretty dece. Beers were p small. Fully disposable tableware made me weep for this dying planet. I’d probably go again though. #partoftheproblem #東京グルメ
@JohnnyPunkster77 @rbreich says the man who started by bitching at someone with something to say (without content or explanation). More than once.
I think Twitter's more your thing.
Nice swearing though, so edgy.
Could you send me a black and white photo to end world hunger now please.
@kbashamilton I know I'm having an #Impact and I also know that I'm a #MarketingProp for a #BigTech #Corporation that lots of #FOSS and similar-minded folks find disagreeable.
I run #LinuxMint on the box I'm typing on - maybe if I put an #IndustryStandardOS on my #Desktop I might be able to forget that I'm #PartOfTheProblem by not leaving my #AbusiveRelationship with #Capitalism. (2/2)
#impact #marketingprop #bigtech #corporation #foss #linuxmint #industrystandardos #desktop #partoftheproblem #abusiverelationship #capitalism
Recently at Dutch Bros I spotted them pouring my #NitroColdBrew from two cans into my one plastic cup. Literally paid them a premium to pour cans and create more waste. I hope at least the cans get recycled. I need to cut the middleman out. Ugh! #PartOfTheProblem
#nitrocoldbrew #partoftheproblem
Hey #followfriday, we’re new here (yes #partoftheproblem) can you #masto old timers point out any ranchers, farmers, good meat aficionados, wildlife biologists, soil health nerds, climate change wonks, beaver believers, hunters, wolf watchers, horsemanship fans, regenerative ag nuts, sustainable food system thinkers, or otherwise thoughtful people committed to solutions-focused collaborative conversations we should be following here on #Mastodon?
#followfriday #partoftheproblem #masto #Mastodon
[Part Of The Problem] Michael Malice On The State Of Everything 🅴 #partOfTheProblem
https://podcastaddict.com/episode/136384056 via @PodcastAddict
Thank you @mrman (my favorite NAS follow) for encouraging me to go to Robbie The Fire Bernstein live show here in Denver last night! It was nice to meet you and your family!
I was so stoned when I got there, I didn’t even realize we sat down in the same row until halfway through the show.
I highly recommend other members of Gitmo Nation check out Robbie’s remaining shows if you can.
@dankwraith as of this week my gf and I are renting a house with a porch. #partoftheproblem