Kotaku: What If Max Payne, But Shooting Vampires In Slo-Mo Instead? https://kotaku.com/el-paso-elsewhere-max-payne-bullet-time-shooter-1850524788 #gaming #tech #kotaku #thirdpersonshooters #videogamesequels #creativeworks #rockstargames #windowsgames #videogames #maxpayne3 #partycity #maxpayne #nintendo #elpaso #bullet
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #thirdpersonshooters #videogamesequels #creativeworks #rockstargames #windowsgames #videogames #maxpayne3 #partycity #maxpayne #nintendo #elpaso #bullet
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: The Scarlet Opera's Glam Rock Show Is a Spectacle of Queen-Inspired Proportions https://jezebel.com/the-scarlet-operas-glam-rock-show-is-a-spectacle-of-que-1850523713 #Jezebel #entertainment2cculture #nokian95smartphone #therollingstones #draft3agetrad21 #colinjokester #nicoleschmitz #justinsiegal #colinkenrick #hayleykiyoko #chancetaylor #jeffbuckley #colincomedy #jamescorden #lukabazulka #danielzuker #partycity #starmagic #eltonjohn #fletcher
#jezebel #entertainment2cculture #nokian95smartphone #therollingstones #draft3agetrad21 #colinjokester #nicoleschmitz #justinsiegal #colinkenrick #hayleykiyoko #chancetaylor #jeffbuckley #colincomedy #JamesCorden #lukabazulka #danielzuker #partycity #starmagic #eltonjohn #fletcher
#NorthKorea is headed down to #PartyCity to clear them out. #ChinaSpyBalloon
#northkorea #partycity #chinaspyballoon
Some big brains decided to loan a company that specializes in single use disposable crap and bases their entire #business model on access to unlimited cheap and heavily subsidized helium almost $2 billion. #CapitalismIsGoingGreat #PartyCity
#Business #capitalismisgoinggreat #partycity
#PartyCity seeks #bankruptcy protection, cites rising costs and lower spending