🙄 Yesterday's unsurprising Donny Drumpf news had immediate results on Elmo's Twitter: Dodgy accounts pumped out the usual divisive remarks about Bernie Sanders and people who should know better amplified that. #PwnedByBots #PartyLikeIts2020 #UnitedStatesOfAmnesia
#pwnedbybots #partylikeits2020 #unitedStatesOfAmnesia
Bei uns lebt jetzt ein Kombucha Pilz im japanischen Grüntee.
I guess I'm late to the party 😅
...als nächstes fange ich dann an mit Sauerteig Brot zu backen.
#Mastodog says it's #PARTYTIME!
#mastodog #partytime #partylikeits2020 #dogsofmastodon