The lords of acid gave me tingly uncomfortable ketamine side effects as a sign that I was chosen to stay alert and coherent, to protect the rave.
#PartySafe #TestYourDrugs #NeverUseAlone #HarmReduction #CarryNarcan
#partysafe #testyourdrugs #neverusealone #harmreduction #carrynarcan
[edit: woops messed up the link. how did i end up with a 7 instead of a / haha .. okay its good now.]
This was intended for halloween Only...
But! thanks to the hard work of dozens of covens of lovins'....
Every Day Is Hallowee'een~!
Beware~! This sonic journey may leave you forever transformed...
into an Unstoppable Party Animal~!
Listen to h(A)unt(E)d by poisonmixr on #SoundCloud
#HardCore #PunkaDelic #Haunted #Halloween #Dance #Party #MixTape #Punk #Ska #HxC #Metal #HipHop #Techno #Rock #Emo #RockaBilly #PsychoBilly #Trance #EDM #Reggae #Rap #Trippy #Stoner #Doom #Witchy #Goth #Magic #Psychedelic #Funky #Funk #AfroBeat #Reggaeton #KYLR #Anarchist #Anarchy #Antifascist #AudioJourney #SoundJourney #SonicJourney #AllNight #Ghosts #Ghouls #Goblins #Witches. #Wizards #Looters #PieThrowers #Pirates #Lunar #LunarPunk #TheMoon #Fire #ACAB #Solidarity #PNW #PDX #UnderWorld #AfterLife #PostLife #PostMortal #Vampires #WereWolves #Feminist #Occultist #BadAss #Radical #StraightEdge #SxE #Vegan #Cannabis #Sober #PartySafe #StayHomeStaySafe #StaySafe #TestYourDrugs #NeverUseAlone #CallAFriend #WeProtectUs #TransLifeline #RedAndBlack
#soundcloud #hardcore #punkadelic #haunted #halloween #dance #party #Mixtape #punk #ska #HxC #metal #hiphop #techno #rock #emo #rockabilly #psychobilly #Trance #edm #reggae #rap #trippy #stoner #doom #witchy #goth #magic #psychedelic #funky #funk #afrobeat #reggaeton #kylr #Anarchist #anarchy #antifascist #audiojourney #soundjourney #sonicjourney #allnight #ghosts #ghouls #goblins #witches #wizards #looters #piethrowers #pirates #lunar #lunarpunk #themoon #fire #acab #solidarity #pnw #pdx #underworld #afterlife #postlife #Postmortal #vampires #werewolves #feminist #occultist #badass #radical #straightedge #sxe #Vegan #cannabis #sober #partysafe #stayhomestaysafe #staysafe #testyourdrugs #neverusealone #callafriend #weprotectus #TransLifeline #redandblack
This was intended for halloween Only...
But! thanks to the hard work of dozens of covens of lovins'....
Every Day Is Hallowee'een~!
Beware~! This sonic journey may leave you forever transformed...
into an Unstoppable Party Animal~!
Listen to h(A)unt(E)d by poisonmixr on #SoundCloud
#HardCore #PunkaDelic #Haunted #Halloween #Dance #Party #MixTape #Punk #Ska #HxC #Metal #HipHop #Techno #Rock #Emo #RockaBilly #PsychoBilly #Trance #EDM #Reggae #Rap #Trippy #Stoner #Doom #Witchy #Goth #Magic #Psychedelic #Funky #Funk #AfroBeat #Reggaeton #KYLR #Anarchist #Anarchy #Antifascist #AudioJourney #SoundJourney #SonicJourney #AllNight #Ghosts #Ghouls #Goblins #Witches. #Wizards #Looters #PieThrowers #Pirates #Lunar #LunarPunk #TheMoon #Fire #ACAB #Solidarity #PNW #PDX #UnderWorld #AfterLife #PostLife #PostMortal #Vampires #WereWolves #Feminist #Occultist #BadAss #Radical #StraightEdge #SxE #Vegan #Cannabis #Sober #PartySafe #StayHomeStaySafe #StaySafe #TestYourDrugs #NeverUseAlone #CallAFriend #WeProtectUs #TransLifeline #RedAndBlack
#soundcloud #hardcore #punkadelic #haunted #halloween #dance #party #Mixtape #punk #ska #HxC #metal #hiphop #techno #rock #emo #rockabilly #psychobilly #Trance #edm #reggae #rap #trippy #stoner #doom #witchy #goth #magic #psychedelic #funky #funk #afrobeat #reggaeton #kylr #Anarchist #anarchy #antifascist #audiojourney #soundjourney #sonicjourney #allnight #ghosts #ghouls #goblins #witches #wizards #looters #piethrowers #pirates #lunar #lunarpunk #themoon #fire #acab #solidarity #pnw #pdx #underworld #afterlife #postlife #Postmortal #vampires #werewolves #feminist #occultist #badass #radical #straightedge #sxe #Vegan #cannabis #sober #partysafe #stayhomestaysafe #staysafe #testyourdrugs #neverusealone #callafriend #weprotectus #TransLifeline #redandblack