Posted briefly about this before, but I'd like to walk through it in depth now.
You can install #aur packages on #fedora with #paru and #pacman
Note: NOT RECOMMENDED. Things could go wrong.
But anyway, for setup, install paru with #cargo and pacman with dnf. Then do `sudo pacman-key --init` and `sudo pacman-key --populate archlinux`.
Then (1/n)
#aur #fedora #paru #pacman #cargo
paru AUR Helper – Ce este și cum se folosește
#rootlinuxro #rootlinux #linux #arch #archlinux #paru #aur
#pARU #JSNES #NES #AudioWorklet
IchigoJam の人なのか
#audioworklet #nes #jsnes #paru
btw, why is paru out-of-date in AUR?
Sobre il installe paru à la place de yay comme interpréteur de l'AUR sur le conseil d'un informaticien du boulot et dans le fichier de conf il découvre qu'il peut activer le sudo loop 😊
Mais c'est génial ça, du coup il peut aller prendre un café pendant une compil depuis l'AUR sans avoir a se préoccuper de retaper le mot de passe après 5 minutes.
#sudoloop #paru #aur #archlinux
Realised I don't need to reload the config after updating with #Paru . I just need to check for the number of updates and update the #EwwBar widget variable with eww update $variable="$value" . It's amazing how the answer just comes to you after walking away for a while.
I so ❤ the versatility of Eww bar.
One thing that I think we've lost over the last 20 years is "audio cues" #linux #foss #kde #gnome #opensource -- the desktop used to give a lot more audio feedback as to the events & status of events.
Empty the recycle bin? It had s simple audio cue play
Copy a folder? You have a audio cue to communicate success.
New email? Cue AOL charming & cringy "You've got mail.wav"
OS Startup? You feel like you are getting excited to get something done withe Windows XP - 7 and early 2000s Ubuntu startup sounds.
I think this principle could be taken so much farther -- perform a #rsync Why not have a audio cue for both Success.ogg and Failure.ogg -- or what about #polkit password verification, you are multi tasking on the phone or doing something in your office -- having a cue to redirect your attention to that you need to enter a password would be helpful.
Same thing goes for #pacman #yay and #paru in #archlinux
There are times you are compiling a program and it needs extra privileges to install but you don't notice it -- it would make a huge difference if we had a hook system and could Enable/Disable audio cues & notifications -- that would be a huge improvement.
I could really see this also bringing a lot of value in #linuxphone space, with #ubuntutouch #postmarketos #sxmo and others.
Its really hard to know what your missing when its been so long since you had it.
Plug in a USB Flash Drive? Audio Cue
Connect / Disconnect your phone to your computer? Audio Cue
Remote SSH Connection logs into your machine? Notification & Audio Cue.
With the right sound packs there is so much room for improvement -- #steamdeck #steamos v3 does a good job with this too giving subtle cues as you navigate the UX, startup, shutdown, etc...
#linux #foss #kde #gnome #opensource #rsync #polkit #pacman #yay #paru #archlinux #linuxphone #ubuntutouch #postmarketos #sxmo #SteamDeck #steamos
Dem überragenden YouTube Tutorial zur #AchLinux Installation nach, habe ich mir die #AMD #Radeon #Vulkan Komponenten für die Grafik installiert. Für mein 12 Jahre altes Notebook wahrscheinlich keine gute Wahl und die #OpenGL Treiber wären möglicherweise besser geeignet. Zu glauben, dies ließe sich jetzt einfach auswechseln, ist jedoch ein kolossaler Irrtum. Obwohl OpenGL installiert ist – was mit #paru richtig lange gedauert hat –, weigert sich #pacman den Vulkan Kram wegen seinen Abhängigkeiten zu deinstallieren.
Da kriege ich schon wieder die Krätze 😤
#pacman #paru #opengl #vulkan #radeon #AMD #AchLinux
Das ist jetzt ärgerlich … Es gibt 2 #Audacity Forks: #Audacium & #Tenacity. Der Aufwand für ersteren schien niedriger und #paru begann mit der Kompilierung. Nach mehreren Minuten, ich schätze kurz vorm Ende, dann der Abbruch: Ein Fehler geschah im build().
Also doch Tenacity Installation gestartet. Der PC kam richtig ins Schwitzen. Kilometer lang laufen Texte über den Monitor. Es dauert schon doppelt so lange wie beim ersten Versuch. Passwort wird zwischendurch verlangt. Dann … Ein Fehler geschah im build() … Abbruch.
*arrrggghhh* *grml* 😤
#paru #Tenacity #Audacium #AudaCity
Suche nach einem #Mastodon Client: #toot lässt sich wegen #Python Konflikten nicht installieren; #whalebird scheidet wegen #Electron Abhängigkeit aus und bei #telephant findet #paru keine Installationsdateien.
Wirklich Schade, dass #tut solche Schwierigkeiten macht.
#tut #paru #telephant #electron #whalebird #Python #Toot #Mastodon
A good friend has written an amazingly useful #fzf tui for #paru!!! Check it out here:
How To Install Paru AUR Helper In Arch Linux #Aur #ArchUserRepository #AurHelper #Paru #Yay #Rust #PackageManager #ArchLinux #Endeavouros #Manjaro #Linux #Linuxhowto #Linuxcommands
#linuxcommands #linuxhowto #Linux #Manjaro #endeavouros #ArchLinux #packagemanager #Rust #yay #paru #AurHelper #archuserrepository #aur
in an effort to make my arch install more light and possibly secure due to the recent cve I try to find alternatives to #sudo, i learn about #doas and I like it.
but then I don't need sudo, to remove sudo I can't use yay since it needs sudo, so yay is out too.
for yay replacement I try #paru, it's nice but needs #pacman and since I'm using paru I expected to remove ANY other package manager like yay and pacman but can't
so I'm at point zero where I have to keep sudo, yay and pacman damit lol