'98 : Début de carrière avec des langages libres
les 3 P : #Perl puis #PHP et enfin au détour d'une pyconfr à Paris en 2012, #Python (et nan pas de #pascal;)
Je partais avec aucun background de DEV,... mais de comptable 🤓
Tout appris all alone, je sais pas ce qui m'a pris, l'engouement pour Linux et le "libre" sûrement 🤣
Et enfin cette semaine, qq décennies plus tard, je suis une formation "pro" sur ... Python krkrkr 👍
Me servira-t-elle ?
#syndromedelimposteur #pascal #python #php #perl
@alexcleac У мене першою мовою був #basic на синклері з 48 кіло пам'яті. Потім був #pascal на 286 процесорі. Після - #assembler. Після я довго мучився з чим завгодно (наприклад #geant - отка екзотика), поки не знайшов #python, який завдяки потужному залізу (а воно зараз на тлі 48к усе потужне) узагалі не вбивається. Але в улюбленому геймдеві марна річ. Хоча якщо міць наростять, а її наростять, то ще подивимося.
Стоп. Я ще кодив на калькуляторі МК52, тож було життя і до бейсіка.
#basic #pascal #assembler #geant #python
I'm adding typecasts to the #Quiche #compiler. This is the next step toward full function support. In #Pascal typecast syntax is the same as a function.
b := integer(a);
This gives me the hooks I need to call functions within expressions and handle the return value. But typecasts generate inline code so I don't have to do stack frames yet.
#z80 #pascal #compiler #quiche
Kotaku: Nier Automata's Latest Video Game Crossover Is Its Horniest One Yet https://kotaku.com/nier-automata-collab-goddess-victory-nikke-2b-a2-1850793126?utm_source=regular #gaming #tech #kotaku #actionroleplayingvideogames #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #singleplayervideogames #goddessofvictorynikke #soulcaliburvi #nierautomata #windowsgames #drakengard #pascal #nier #eve #2b #a2 #x
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #actionroleplayingvideogames #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #singleplayervideogames #goddessofvictorynikke #soulcaliburvi #nierautomata #windowsgames #drakengard #pascal #nier #EVE #2b #A2 #x
#BackInMyDay our #StackOverflow was a huge library of examples for Turbo #Pascal called SWAG that you could download over your phone (after 22:00, of course, when it was cheapest to make a call)
#backinmyday #stackoverflow #pascal
My history learning and using the Pascal programming language. #pascal #delphi #programming
I'll make this #introduction short and sweet
Hello! I am Ștefan (you can use your native language's Stephan equivalent).
I am interested in (computational) #linguistics, {natural,constructed} x {languages,scripts}, contemporary history, #typography (#texlatex ftw), compiler and programming language design, low-level programming, #astrology, #deism, #politics and operating systems among other things.
#pascal / #tcltk / #perl / #lisp / #ada / #cpp / #dotnet / #linux
#introduction #linguistics #typography #texlatex #astrology #deism #politics #pascal #tcltk #perl #lisp #ada #cpp #dotnet #linux
Le festival de musique ancienne fête le 400e anniversaire de la naissance de Pascal. Un cycle de conférence lui est consacré et Benjamin Lazar reprend mardi 22 août à Arques-la-Bataille « Feu », ce spectacle sur les « Pensés ».
@AcadémieBach #festivaldemusiqueancienneennormandie #BenjaminLazar #ThéâtredelIncrédule #pensees #Pascal #théâtre #musiquebaroque #culture #festival
#festivaldemusiqueancienneennormandie #benjaminlazar #theatredelincredule #pensees #pascal #theatre #musiquebaroque #culture #festival
Things That Turbo Pascal is Smaller Than | https://սարեան.ցանցառներ.հայ/s/zl8cqh | #pascal
պասկալի ու ադայի գովասանք | https://սարեան.ցանցառներ.հայ/s/47lytl | #pascal #ծլտ #ծրագրաւորում
First day of the #oldcomputerchallenge has been good. I've been really tired today, so I've been in bed reading #pascal and #openvms manuals to my ktteh :3 I'm still working out a good workflow with the sgi
#oldcomputerchallenge #pascal #openvms
What was the first programming language you learned?
Mine was Pascal in University. It was followed by Scheme.
(Question inspired by @null’s post about Visual Basic.)
#programming #pascal #lisp #scheme #languages
I have quite a lot more followers than I did when I first wrote my introduction, so it’s only fair that I’m writing a new one, bump up the major version.
#introduction #intro #introductions
Hi! o/
I am Ștefan (ș as sh, I also accept Stephan or the equivalent in your language). I’m 21 years old, ♑, he/him, proud #leftist and soon to graduate CS @ UVABc. Sort of proudly living in #romania. My native language is Romanian, fairly proficient at English, slowly learning #finnish (and #italian).
Tried a lot of programming languages in my childhood up until now, a non-chronological list of ones that stuck with me for one reason or another being: VB6 (that’s what I started on at 8 years old), #pascal (+ #freepascal and #delphi), #perl (+ #raku), #tcl #tcltk, #lisp (usually #scheme, on a good day #elisp #emacslisp and #commonlisp), #elixir, #php, #forth, #lua, #oberon, #modula-2, #cpp #c++, #ocaml, #fsharp, #smalltalk (+ #squeak #pharo #self), #ada, #powershell, #dart, #matlab, #rlang, #zig, #nim, #cobol and #julia. I don’t claim full proficiency in all of these, but I’m familiar enough with these (+ some others not mentioned here) that I could get along just fine with 2 weeks at most of studying and looking through cookbooks and examples). I’m flexible in learning new languages and technologies if needed.
I also do #sudoku and #math for fun (especially functional equations and number theory problems, sometimes calculus and geometric algebra). I am interested in #linguists, #conlangs (#lojban and #esperanto) and #nlp, contemporary (post-‘45, usually post-‘89 for me) history, #balkan history, lower-level stuff (I like to learn about how tools around me work, I’m most interested in #compilers, #emulators and #microcontrollers), #typography and #latex, #linux + #bsd, #msdos, #amiga, #oberon, #plan9, #philosophy, #astronomy (especially in a worldbuilding context) and #philosophy, along with other less notable interests.
I engage in #politics relatively often irl, although I’m not inserting it in absolutely every scenario in my life. As I mentioned, I’m a #leftist and #progressive (or… um… #woke) (Nazis and fascists can have a merry fuck off, DNI with me). I am also a spiritual person, a #deist (if you really want to put it that way, an agnostic, although it’s not quite true) and I find #astrology and #tarot interesting (I’ll let you guess my moon and ascendant, let’s see how close you are).
With that being said, I hope I’m welcome here, you can pick your subset of things that interest you from this list, you have plenty of options. :P Quite a bit longer than last time, but oh well…
#introduction #intro #introductions #leftist #romania #finnish #italian #pascal #delphi #tcltk #elisp #freepascal #perl #elixir #php #forth #modula #fsharp #smalltalk #squeak #pharo #self #amiga #plan9 #philosophy #astronomy #politics #progressive #woke #tarot #tcl #lisp #scheme #raku #emacslisp #commonlisp #lua #oberon #cpp #c #ocaml #ada #powershell #dart #matlab #rlang #zig #nim #cobol #julia #sudoku #math #linguists #conlangs #lojban #esperanto #nlp #balkan #compilers #emulators #microcontrollers #typography #latex #linux #bsd #msdos #deist #astrology