@meredith @mvsde
As I’m heavily influenced by Microsoft semantics (.NET/C#), I differentiate between #PascalCase and #camelCase.
Friendly reminder to #SilentSunday posters to use #PascalCase or #camelCase so those using screen readers don’t get the hashtag read to them letter by letter.
And also please us #AltText to describe your image. It is a big help to those with screen readers, or those with low/no vision. Added bonus is letting you look deeper at your work.
#silentsunday #pascalcase #CamelCase #alttext
@PrincessConnasse @PleaseCaption
J'ai appris il y a deux jours, que c'était du #PascalCase.
Le #camelCase n'ayant pas de majuscule initiale.
@themeowcate @me
Ce qui arrive si je n'y prête pas attention, c'est que mon #PascalCase (j'ai appris quelque chose aujourd'hui ! 😁) est automatiquement converti en minuscules quand je passe au mot suivant. Sur PC uniquement.
C'est très agaçant.
If you have a hashtag with multiple words, write the hashtag in #PascalCase or #camelCase to help users of screen readers. That helps the screen reader to read out the words out individually, rather than trying to read them in one long word.
I’m not visually-impaired myself, but I find #camelCase or #PascalCase much easier to read. I know some others do too.
It also helps me make fewer spelling errors in the longer hashtags!
It’s great when people use hashtags and alt text for images.
For even better accessibility, particularly for the visually-impaired relying on a screenreader, it’d be lovely if more of us could use #camelCase or #PascalCase in multiple-word hashtags.
Screenreaders read the words in camel or Pascal Case separately, not as a long—possibly incomprehensible—word.
The only difference is #camelCase has the 1st letter of the 1st word in lowercase, but either works!
#thisispascalcase #thisiscamelcase #pascalcase #camelcase
Olen varmaan vähän väsy tai jotain mutta just nyt naurattaa #PascalCase ja #camelCase
Kumpi on siis parempi? Cacce vai kameli housussa? :derp:
@johnedenuk Hey John. Because of limits of search on Mastodon if you wanted to give this a slightly wider reach you could add a few hashtags to the post (in #PascalCase to help people who use the site with screen-readers. #HoxtonStreet and #RadicalHackney, for example).
#pascalcase #hoxtonstreet #radicalhackney
I just tried to google about this and it turns out I've been wrong all this time - what I've been using is, apparently #PascalCase whereas #camelCase has the first letter after the hash as little?
I do remember someone posting ages ago that their screenreader did benefit from people using Camel Case (camelCase?) but I can't remember now which one they used.
@gamedevin No, hashtags aren't case sensitive. Regardless of capitalization, all versions of a given hashtag get treated the same by the Mastodon backend software. However, screen reader software used by blind and low-vision folks utilizes the capitalization from #PascalCase to read them appropriately, even without spaces. Otherwise, if a screen reader can't parse the words, it will spell out the entire hashtag instead, which is a much less pleasant experience for people relying on them.
Apparently some people aren't happy to have it pointed out politely that disabled FediVerse users have help set some good norms around #PascalCase tags.
Lets not rewrite history to erase people, okay?
@witewulf @nowster @davidallengreen @morfydd You can use #camelCase or you can use #PascalCase. Either will do.
(I note that according to Wikipedia, camel case can start with upper case, too, if you want.)
#CamelCase is actually camelCase, where the first letter of the first word is lower case and the following words start with an upper case. #PascalCase is where every word is capitalized.
But everyone should follow all your other advice, especially that photo description bit. Lots and lots of people use screen readers
@Chron Since you're discussing accessibiity, especially for screen reader users, it's important to also remember the value of #PascalCase when writing hashtags. Capitalizing each word in a hashtag enables screen readers to effectively parse each word correctly instead of running them together or having to spell out the entire thing. So, a better way to write out your alt text hashtag would be #AltText.
Do you mean #CamelCase or #PascalCase ?
#camelcase #pascalcase #camelback
Could we all please use camel case or Pascal case in hashtags with more than one word! Visually impaired users who rely on screen readers would really appreciate this! #accessibility #hashtags #CamelCase #PascalCase
#pascalcase #camelcase #hashtags #accessibility