This legislation NEEDS to pass. It is absurd how many lives have been ruined due to marijuana related crimes. It is not something we as a society should be punishing people for.
The PA Senate currently has a slight Republican majority, but the PA House has a Democratic majority along with the Governor being a Democrat. If this bill can pass the Senate, then Pennsylvania will be able to finally legalize weed!
#legalizeit #pasenate #Pennsylvania #marijuana
Spineless Senator Pat Toomey gives his constituents a final FU before oozing his way out of office. #samesexmarriage #TuesdaysWithToomey #PASenate #FettermanIsTheBetterMan
#samesexmarriage #tuesdayswithtoomey #pasenate #FettermanIsTheBetterMan
The most hilarious part is that hedge fund manager David McCormick spent a ton of money on pro-Trump ads, all this time kowtowing to the TFG only to be summarily dumped for a quack doc.
Republicans twisting themselves into MAGA pretzels only to have Trump endorse a fellow TV grifter is the tale of the modern Republican Party. #VoteBlue in November, Pennsylvania. #Pennsylvania #PASenate
Trump endorses Dr. Mehmet Oz in Pennsylvania Senate GOP primary:
#VoteBlue #Pennsylvania #pasenate