La Maison des Feins—or Maison des Fées—nestled in the forêt du Mesnil outside the town of Tressé in the département of Ille-et-Vilaine in Brittany. It's an allée couverte or passage grave, and remarkably well preserved. Later legend says it was (or is…) a house of the fairies, which makes it a rather eerie place to be.
I probably shouldn’t mention the woman walking two weasels in the woods…
#AlléeCouverte #PassageGrave #Neolithic #Prehistoric #Archaeology #MegalithicBrittany #StandingStones
#standingstones #megalithicbrittany #archaeology #prehistoric #neolithic #passagegrave #alleecouverte
A new post on my site: La Maison des Feins
#PassageGrave #AlléeCouverte #Neolithic #Prehistoric #Archaeology #Poetry
#poetry #archaeology #prehistoric #neolithic #alleecouverte #passagegrave
Monuments in the Making . . runs with evidence of showing lack of encasing mound over and on dolmens . . suggesting instead surrounds of stone spread & low cairns . . pointing towards stand alone architectural orthostats & capstone . . recommend read from me . . #MonumentsInTheMaking #neolithic #TombTuesdays #Dolmen #standingstone #megalithic #megalithictomb #ChamberedTomb #PassageGrave
#passagegrave #chamberedtomb #megalithictomb #megalithic #standingstone #dolmen #tombtuesdays #neolithic #monumentsinthemaking
Newgrange winter solstice #neolithic #PassageGrave
morning . . this is more of a #StandingStoneSunday help question . . Does anyone know of any good source information on the handling / manipulation of capstones (i.e. pulling horizontally v vertical levering up in position) ? I have searched the web and can find surprisingly little info . . maybe I looking in wrong areas . . any pointers in the right direction be greatly appreciated . . #neolithic #stones #dolmen #megalithictomb #standingstones #passagegrave #dolmen
#passagegrave #standingstones #megalithictomb #dolmen #stones #neolithic #standingstonesunday
Here I'm shamelessly taking a selfie outside a #PassageGrave in Jutland.
It's possible to climb inside a very small chamber through the entry behind me.