A small ringbound booklet of nine real photographs of Newgrange Passage Grave in the Boyne Valley in Co Meath, Ireland. Publisher not stated, but probably by Mason of Dublin. I'll post the other eight photos below. #Newgrange #Meath #PassageGraves #Megaliths #TombTuesday
#Newgrange #meath #passagegraves #megaliths #TombTuesday
Printed monochrome postcard of the Allée Couverte du Rocher or La Ganterie, a passage grave near Saint-Jacut-du-Méné in Breizh or Brittany, published by Émile Hamonic of Saint-Brieuc, Nr 3600, in c.1905. #AlléesCouvertes #PassageGraves #Archaeology #Megaliths #SaintJacutDuMéné #Breizh #TombTuesday
#alleescouvertes #passagegraves #archaeology #megaliths #saintjacutdumene #breizh #TombTuesday