Der Film »#Passages« verhandelt die Ethik der Liebe zwischen Bedürfnis, Begehren und Verantwortung. Anna Gyapjas verrät uns in ihrer Rezension, was wir sonst noch über den neuen Film von Ira Sachs wissen müssen. 👉
Pink News: In Passages, Tomas is a messy, cruel narcissist – and the most captivating thing about the film #LGBT #LGBTQ #Trans #Lesbian #2SLGBTQ #representation #FranzRogowski #IraSachs #Passages #Culture #Film
#lgbt #LGBTQ #trans #lesbian #2SLGBTQ #representation #franzrogowski #irasachs #passages #Culture #Film
Vanaf donderdag 24 augustus in @filmhuisdenhaag : Passages. Een film over een toxische driehoeksverhouding tussen twee mannen en een vrouw.
Lees meer over het verhaal, bekijk de trailer:
#BiPlus #Biseksualiteit #Biseksueel #Driehoeksverhouding #Film #Gay #Homo #Homoseksualiteit #Huwelijk #Mannen #Overspel #Pan #Panseksueel #Passages #Queer
#queer #passages #panseksueel #pan #overspel #mannen #huwelijk #homoseksualiteit #homo #gay #film #driehoeksverhouding #biseksueel #biseksualiteit #biplus
And that, my friends, is my guide for the very first #steps when #starting to prepare for the #LSAT.
The next step is laying out the 3 sections, #logical #reasoning #reading #analytical #reasoning, and explaining how to approach each one.
Then we can drill down into the various types of questions, #games, #passages, etc.
There are so many ways to analyze and understand the #LSAT, it really is a #fascinating and challenging #exam!
Comments welcome!
#steps #starting #lsat #logical #reasoning #reading #analytical #games #passages #fascinating #exam #guide
In the new adult drama '#Passages,' the erotic encounters tell a story...
✖ Le baromètre national ✖
#IndianaJonesEtLeCadranDeLaDestinée 129 🔥
#Farang 73
#VersUnAvenirRadieux 37
#Passages 20
#LesVengeancesDeMaîtrePoutifard 11
#House 8
#ChonchonLePlusMignonDesCochons 4
#Rheingold 3
#RubyLadoKraken 1
#indianajonesetlecadrandeladestinee #farang #versunavenirradieux #passages #lesvengeancesdemaitrepoutifard #house #chonchonleplusmignondescochons #rheingold #rubyladokraken #9hdeshalles #frequentation #cinema #ugcleshalles
See the Trailer for Ira Sachs’s Acclaimed Romance Passages #2023_06_15 #vulture #nate_jones #passages #exclusive #movies #trailer_mix #ira_sachs #ben_whishaw #adele_exarchopoulos
#2023_06_15 #vulture #nate_jones #passages #exclusive #movies #trailer_mix #ira_sachs #ben_whishaw #adele_exarchopoulos
My new book, #Passages, is available on Amazon, #Kindle only. A young man in the turbulent 1970s makes his through family dysfunction, #romance, #sexuality, cultural change, and a brush with celebrity. #bookblogger #literary #fiction #erotica
#passages #kindle #romance #sexuality #bookblogger #literary #fiction #erotica
Film Review: PASSAGES: A Fateful Foray into a Filmmaker’s Sexuality [Sundance 2023]
#FilmBook #FilmFestival #MovieReview #AdeleExarchopoulos #AntonSalachas #BenWhishaw #CarolineChaniolleau #FilmFestival #FranzRogowski #IraSachs #OlivierRabourdin #Passages #SaraLisbonis #SundanceFilmFestival #TheoCholbi #ThibautCarterot #TonyDaoud #WilliamNadylam
#filmbook #filmfestival #moviereview #adeleexarchopoulos #antonsalachas #benwhishaw #carolinechaniolleau #franzrogowski #irasachs #olivierrabourdin #passages #saralisbonis #sundancefilmfestival #theocholbi #thibautcarterot #tonydaoud #williamnadylam
#Kinotipp #Trailer Zu den queeren Highlights der heute starteten #Berlinale gehört das Drama #Passages von #IraSachs mit #FranzRogowski und #BenWhishaw als verheiratetem Männerpaar
#kinotipp #trailer #berlinale #passages #irasachs #franzrogowski #benwhishaw
#Sundance2023 | #Passages es un brillante retrato de personajes en una de esas películas de apariencia sencilla que nos hablan de la complejidad de las pasiones humanas. Vista en el #FestivalDeSundance.
Crítica de @danielfarriol:
#sundance2023 #passages #festivaldesundance
Ira Sachs Wanted to Make Passages For… Love #2023_01_28 #vulture #jennifer_zhan #movies #sundance_2023 #vulture_spot_sundance_2023 #the_vulture_spot #sundance_film_festival #passages #ira_sachs
#2023_01_28 #vulture #jennifer_zhan #movies #sundance_2023 #vulture_spot_sundance_2023 #the_vulture_spot #sundance_film_festival #passages #ira_sachs
#ChetBaker 2 #passages #years
#love #angst #ballads #tropes #music #tuesday #pianokeys #blackandwhite #jazz #jazzfilm #smoke #fun 💓 💫
#chetbaker #passages #years #love #angst #ballads #tropes #music #tuesday #pianokeys #blackandwhite #jazz #jazzfilm #smoke #fun
Gonna be so relaxed I won't be able to stand at this rate. #nowplaying #PhilipGlass and #RaviShankar #Passages
#nowplaying #philipglass #RaviShankar #passages
Leipzig #Passages decorated for #Christmas
#passages #christmas #photography
" if the soul in its fullness did not sometimes overflow into the most barren metaphors, since no one can ever tell the precise measure of his own needs, of his own ideas, of his own pain, and human language is like a cracked kettle on which we beat out tunes for bears to dance to, when what we want to do is make music that will move the stars to pity." #passages
@Khrys 🔗
« On constate que ces #groupes ont un réel #sentiment d’ #impunité et ne se cachent même plus. Les #menaces se diffusent sur YouTube, sur des #messageries, sur les réseaux sociaux… On peut légitimement craindre que les #passages à l’acte se multiplient. (…) Il est temps que le gouvernement se saisisse sérieusement de cette #menace et réagisse enfin ! »
#menace #passages #messageries #menaces #impunité #sentiment #groupes
Giant inflatable colon stolen in Kansas City #Funnies #FYI #Medical #News #OddStories #Passages #Tunnels
#funnies #fyi #medical #news #oddstories #passages #tunnels