Does anyone else just scroll through trending GitHub repositories or is it just me? #github #passingtime
I can think of far worse ways to pass the time in a traffic jam than with a live bluegrass concert, even in the snow. This is the Most Colorado Thing any of us will see today.
#Colorado #GlenwoodCanyon #TrafficJam #BluegrassMusic #Snow #PassingTime #ElkRangeBluegrassBand
#colorado #glenwoodcanyon #trafficjam #bluegrassmusic #snow #passingtime #elkrangebluegrassband
I got the idea of keeping two watches, one set to BST, the other set to Daylight Saving. Ritually swap them over on the right day, I thought. What a time-saver. #passingtime #gettingold #memoir #notlivinginthepast
#passingtime #gettingold #memoir #notlivinginthepast