I am
1) allowing us to purchase two sleeping bags for youth who are right now and living in a tent. Hopefully, they were warm last night.
2) not having to pay out-of-pocket for my expensive medications which keep me healthy and functioning.
3) Paper which let me organize the chaos of my life into something manageable. I personally love .
4) Another win!

#today #grateful4 #instacart #unhoused #planners #passionplanner #seattlekraken #nhlmastodon

Last updated 2 years ago

Earl · @EarlG
24 followers · 145 posts · Server mastodon.sdf.org

My 2023 Passion Planner arrived in the mail today, and I enjoyed planning out this first week of January. Surgery last January then an unexpected health challenge in September kept me from planning out much of last year. I’m excited about a fresh start on every level and every way this year! @passionplanner

#passionplanner #planning #freshstart #newyear #adaptingtochange #grateful #mindfulness #planner #newoutcomes #continuedrecovery

Last updated 2 years ago

Kelly Handley · @KellyHandley
28 followers · 194 posts · Server mstdn.social

plus plus ? Of course I ! It’s just the right time for an 🖤

#endofmonthreview #amjournaling #partyofone #birdseyeview #passionplanner

Last updated 2 years ago

Kelly Handley · @KellyHandley
29 followers · 240 posts · Server mstdn.social

plus plus ? Of course I ! It’s just the right time for an 🖤

#endofmonthreview #amjournaling #partyofone #birdseyeview #passionplanner

Last updated 2 years ago

Marianne Kirby (The Rotund) · @therotund
98 followers · 332 posts · Server wandering.shop

This week my in my is about a lot of things but also about not sitting at my work desk all day without taking a break every hour to stretch. Thank you, , for keeping track of my shit.

Also, wow, I need to get the rest of my week onto the page.

#notetoself #passionplanner #planner

Last updated 7 years ago

Marianne Kirby (The Rotund) · @therotund
98 followers · 332 posts · Server wandering.shop

There’s an old video about upstairs neighbors making sounds like an art form. When their downstairs neighbor finally knocks on the door, this is how they dismiss the concerns (followed by swiftly closing the door). It cracks me up no end and reminds me that I am the person best suited to take care of me. So, this week’s is ridic but it works for me. And I used, as ever, to decorate. Everything is pink because I color code my - pink is social.

#passionplanner #notetoself #pipsticks #planner

Last updated 7 years ago

Marianne Kirby (The Rotund) · @therotund
98 followers · 332 posts · Server wandering.shop

This week’s is really about advice my therapist gave me when I was 13 years old, namely that I get to control my reactions to things. (It was complicated advice at the time and remains so but that’s good for me. Things are never simple.) And thus I am going to smile while enforcing my boundaries and remember that it’s good for everyone involved whether other folks like it or not. My good cheer is MINE.

#passionplanner #notetoself

Last updated 7 years ago

Marianne Kirby (The Rotund) · @therotund
98 followers · 332 posts · Server wandering.shop

This week’s - I think Thanksgiving is a bullshit holiday and I am not Christian. But I love having people over and feeding them and feeling that whole acknowledgement of loving relationships thing.

I mostly express this via twinkle lights and ribbon because wrapping presents is also the greatest.

These kinds of notes in my really do work because I see them so frequently - they are a constant reminder and that helps me internalize the message.

#passionplanner #notetoself #planner

Last updated 7 years ago