I love capturing the intricate, spiraling shapes of the #tendrils of the #PassionVine as they make a terrific #natureabstract. The twisting and intertwining of these threadlike supports is quite intriguing.The background color is provided by the setting sun shining through an orange Begonia!
Bewildering available here
#macro #MacroMonday #PhotoMonday #abstract #AbstractArt #photography #PhotographersOnMastodon #MastodonArt #MastoArt #artwork #BuyIntoArt #FotoMontag
#tendrils #passionvine #natureabstract #macro #macromonday #Photomonday #abstract #abstractart #photography #photographersonmastodon #mastodonart #mastoart #artwork #BuyIntoArt #Fotomontag
Scenes from the balcony garden! The passion vine is still busting out bloom after bloom. They smell amazing!
#gardening #garden #flowers #passionvine #passionflower #relaxation #Texas #goodmorning #balcony
#Gardening #garden #Flowers #passionvine #PassionFlower #relaxation #texas #GoodMorning #balcony