#PassKeys make complete sense intellectually and I’m all in, using them everywhere that’s enabled them, but tbh it’s really, really hard to overcome decades of training and passkeys feel like hand-waving. This is going to be a significant psychological adjustment for a *lot* of people, *especially* those who feel like their grasp of tech stuff is tenuous.
I'm a fan of passkeys for easier, safer authentication. So is password manager Dashlane: "With the rollout of iOS 17, Dashlane will be available as a passkey manager on both mobile and desktop, supporting passkeys across web and on Android and iOS." https://www.dashlane.com/blog/passkeys-progress-innovation
#Authentication #passkeys #PasswordManager #Dashlane #iOS17 #iOS
#iOS #ios17 #Dashlane #PasswordManager #passkeys #authentication
Neat website by @1password for listing #Passkeys support!
Although I'm personally waiting for the @bitwarden implementation 0:-)
There's been a lot of talk about #passkeys lately, but all I've read is about the specific use case of using a browser to log into websites. Can't the same technology be used for authorization for other uses cases? For example, an IoT device could require a USB-passkey being connected in order to communicate to its backend. Is this a thing? Perhaps it has a different name than passkeys?
#passkeys #passkeysecurity #linux #iot
@1password Can I (“soon”) use multiple #passkeys to unlock my 1Password account?
Reason for asking: I’d like to use iCloud Keychain on all my Apple devices, but a YubiKey on my old Windows PC (and as a backup for the Apple ecosystem; so actually 3 passkeys, where 2 are physical security keys).
Speaking of Bitwarden… How do you know it still is summer? You cannot store passkeys in your Bitwarden vault yet.
#bitwarden #passkeys #webauthn #floss #foss #opensource
Speaking of Bitwarden… How do you know it still is summer? I cannot store passkeys in my Bitwarden vault yet.
#bitwarden #passkeys #webauthn #floss #foss #opensource
Tuotteliaat pari päivää takana. KeePassXC:n Passkeys-tuki toimii nyt myös GitHubin ja Googlen tunnuksien kanssa :) Kyllä tästä vielä ihan hyvä kakku tulee.
Ars Technica: Google announces new algorithm that makes FIDO encryption safe from quantum computers https://arstechnica.com/?p=1961906 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #quantumcomputing #Security #passkeys #Biz&IT #Fido
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #quantumcomputing #security #passkeys #biz #fido
Google announces new algorithm that makes FIDO encryption safe from quantum computers - Enlarge (credit: Getty Images)
The FIDO2 industry standard ado... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1961906 #quantumcomputing #security #passkeys #biz #fido
#fido #biz #passkeys #security #quantumcomputing
https://mozilla.social/@Mozilla what is your #passkeys support implementation for Firefox?
Firefox is my go-to and primary browser and you are making me go away! #mozilla #firefox
Just started reading about https://passkeys.io. Interesting read! Going on the list of "to try on my next greenfield project".
Anyone else using #passkeys? Any takeaways?
Wie verarbeiten Mailprogramme eigentlich #Passkeys? Also: Wenn ich bei meinem Mailanbieter einen Passkey statt einem Passwort verwende und das Passwort dann lösche, damit es nicht mehr geklaut werden kann - wie reagiert ein Mailprogramme dann? Das müsste dann doch auch die entsprechende Authentifizierungsmethoden unterstützen oder? 🤔
Las #Passkeys llegarán también a #WhatsApp… https://www.xatakandroid.com/aplicaciones-android/whatsapp-nos-dejara-proteger-nuestras-cuentas-passkeys-inicio-sesion-sea-seguro-sencillo/amp
If anybody can explain to me how #passkeys solve the issue with auth please let me know, because I seriously dont get how its supposed to be better.
You still have a secret that you have to sync across devices. How is that better than my syncthing setup?
I can‘t wait #PassKeys and general passwordless authentication to become more widely spread.
(Okay, not the passwordless auth with email magic links, that is absolute garbage that feels like SMS TANs. I thought we moved past that).
TIL Github added support for #PassKeys
Github will soon be enforcing 2FA, if I’m using a Security Key, will I also be prompted for a TOTP? 🤔