Drew more mola in Passpartout!
Couple of drawings from Passpartout 2 today! We def started a trend of big googly eyes. Been loving the game so far!
Jan 18, 2023 - Day 18 - NewPlay Review
Total NewPlays: 24
Game: Passpartout: The Starving Artist
Platform: Steam PC
Release Date: Jun 16, 2017
Library Date: Dec 3, 2017
Unplayed: 1872 days (5y1m15d)
Playtime: 40m
Once again, I find myself confounded by trying to categorise a game. I've genuinely never played a game like Passpartout: The Starving Artist before.
I suppose you could call it a "French artist simulator", but that's selling it short.
Passpartout is a whimsical & charming indie game in which you play a French painter, trying to sell your art to rude passers-by from your Parisian garage (while managing your baguette & wine budget).
The hook is that YOU create the paintings that you're trying to sell. You're presented with a blank canvas, a palette of 24 paint colours, and a single round brush (adjustable size), with which to create your artworks.
Looking at some of the things people have painted in-game, some of them are truly works of art. As a designer, my major weakness was always blank page design, whereas I was better at fixing design issues.
The game makes me wonder if I can use my dusty old graphics tablet as a games controller.
I believe I've levelled up at least once in-game, having unlocked a spray-can brush, but I'm going to come back to Passpartout: The Starving Artist
Passpartout: The Starving Artist is rated:
4: Good
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#passpartout #painting #indiegame #gaming #project365ong #project365 #newplay