Now, sometimes there are logins for which a password manager would just be a really cumbersome step. Like, say, logging into your computer. 😅
For situations like that I recommend a pass *phrase* rather than trying to do some complex combination of letters and numbers and symbols. Human minds have a much easier time remembering a set of words than they do a jumble of symbols.
"I should drink 3.7 liters of water every day" is a very long and complex pass phrase which is easier to memorize than something like "1S&4Zz3(mm$"
In fact, I recommend using a pass phrase as the login for your password manager.
#passphrase #passwords #security #cybersecurity
Saw something on the news last night that truly made me 🤣. In a story about #AI #scams, the reporter advised family members should have a safeword only that shared, so they could be safe from digital #predators.
Yes we often require safe words for other reasons too! 😈😈 Maybe he meant #passphrase? Details…
#ai #scams #predators #passphrase #consent #safeword #safety #safecall #checkins
@kkarhan Interestingly enough, a #passphrase consisting of six random words (which they list as still secure) is what I have suggested for quite a while as being reasonably secure even against a determined adversary. With #Diceware, that gives a work factor of about 2^77, same as a 15-character single-case alphanumeric password (but much easier to remember).
Most of my #passwords are significantly longer than that minimum.
My password tips are here:
#passphrase #diceware #passwords
So.. I have already memorized one ~130bit passphrase.
(Months ago).
But now I needed one more, so now I’m learning a second equally strong passphrase.
I try to make a story of the words. Makes it simpler.
(The words a of course chosen randomly so the story can by quite strange haha).
#password #passphrase #security #infosec #privacy
Generar código QR en UTF8 para conectar a una red WiFi usando la consola
#Bash #consola #pass #passphrase #password #PasswordStore #QR #qrencode #terminal #tty #txt #UTF8 #WiFi #wifi2qr
#bash #consola #pass #passphrase #password #passwordstore #qr #qrencode #terminal #tty #txt #utf8 #wifi #wifi2qr
Menschen stellen für ihre Systeme immer die größten Sicherheitslücken dar - Layer8 😜
Ich hab' es nie besonders schwer gefunden, diese zu hacken. 😅
#passphrase #layer8 #firewall #ItSecurity
@kkarhan Quite frankly, over 64 characters is overkill for #passwords. For a simple randomly generated alphanumeric #password (lowercase letters and digits only) to provide a 128 bit work factor you need 25 characters; for 256 bits, 50 characters. Using uppercase, lowercase and digits, 22 and 43 characters respectively. (Shows how little security you gain by mixing character case.) With #Diceware #passphrases and no additional #passphrase complexity, approximately 10 and 20 words respectively.
#passwords #password #diceware #passphrases #passphrase
@YesIKnowIT Or if you have a #Diceware (or similar) word list handy...
$ <wordlist.txt awk -F$'\t' '{print $2}' | shuf | head -n 6 | xargs echo
(That's not perfectly random because it won't repeat a word, which could happen with a perfectly random generator. However, for any reasonable-length passwords, you're unlikely to see repetition anyway.)
Example output with the EFF long word list:
smother stainable steadfast tackiness scrawny denatured
#diceware #password #passwords #passphrase #passphrases
Cómo montar un volumen cifrado usando dm-crypt, LUKS y password-store
con lukspass
#Cryptsetup #Disk #DmCrypt #Encrypted #Luks #Mount #Pass #Passphrase #Password #PasswordStore #SysAdmin
#cryptsetup #disk #dmcrypt #encrypted #luks #mount #pass #passphrase #password #passwordstore #sysadmin
Uleriore analisi della sicurezza delle #password; questa volta è un test empirico effettuato con un motore #AI
Una password di 6 caratteri con lettere maiuscole e minuscole, numeri e segni speciali viene craccata in 4 secondi
La ricerca si trova qui: e permette di testare la propria password
Un ulteriore conferma dell'utilità delle #passphrase e della #MFA...
#password #ai #passphrase #mfa #ia #cybersecurity #security
@AnthonyCollette Well, sorry, but: DUH. Using #Diceware as a benchmark wordlist size, log2((6^5)^3) ~ 39, whereas log2((26+26+10+10)^19) ~ 117. (Uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digits, 10 symbols = 72 possible characters to choose from.)
So a 39 bits entropy #passphrase is easier (as in would cost less) to crack than a 117 bits entropy #password?
In other news, the Sun rose in the east this morning; planetary physicists were allegedly unsurprised.
#diceware #passphrase #password
keychain vs ssh-ident for WSL2 #ssh #windowssubsystemforlinux #sshagent #passphrase #keychain
#SSH #windowssubsystemforlinux #sshagent #passphrase #keychain
Showbiz Tattoo Scrutiny Abroad Latticed | Your daily #passphrase | 223 bits of #entropy | #cybersec #infosec #cybersecurity #infosecurity
#passphrase #entropy #cybersec #infosec #cybersecurity #infosecurity
Showbiz Tattoo Scrutiny Abroad Latticed | Your daily #passphrase | 223 bits of #entropy | #cybersec #infosec #cybersecurity #infosecurity
#passphrase #entropy #cybersec #infosec #cybersecurity #infosecurity
Harmony Reflux Sneak Crushed Custody | Your daily #passphrase | 206 bits of #entropy | #cybersec #infosec #cybersecurity #infosecurity
#passphrase #entropy #cybersec #infosec #cybersecurity #infosecurity
Grumpily Crudeness Retiree Tackiness Renovate | Your daily #passphrase | 257 bits of #entropy | #cybersec #infosec #cybersecurity #infosecurity
#passphrase #entropy #cybersec #infosec #cybersecurity #infosecurity
Grumpily Crudeness Retiree Tackiness Renovate | Your daily #passphrase | 257 bits of #entropy | #cybersec #infosec #cybersecurity #infosecurity
#passphrase #entropy #cybersec #infosec #cybersecurity #infosecurity
Reprise Monument Squatter Margarine Lyricist | Your daily #passphrase | 252 bits of #entropy | #cybersec #infosec #cybersecurity #infosecurity: Reprise Monument Squatter Margarine Lyricist | Your daily #passphrase | 252 bits of #entropy | #cybersec #infosec #cybersecurity #infosecurity
#passphrase #entropy #cybersec #infosec #cybersecurity #infosecurity
Reprise Monument Squatter Margarine Lyricist | Your daily #passphrase | 252 bits of #entropy | #cybersec #infosec #cybersecurity #infosecurity
#passphrase #entropy #cybersec #infosec #cybersecurity #infosecurity
@ianhillmedia I agree with most of this (I still say SMS #2FA is less bad than no 2FA, but eg TOTP certainly is better) EXCEPT to regularly change passwords.
Better to use strong passwords unique per account.
#Diceware #passphrase is better than a traditional #password for memorability/security ratio. 6-8 words gives you solid security. Also good to consider a #PasswordManager. Even a low-tech small notebook in your wallet improves on reusing passwords (and you'll know if it's been breached).
#2fa #diceware #passphrase #password #passwordmanager