Wishing everyone a great time at Pass the SALT starting today in Lille, France
New on // foss.events: Pass the SALT on 03-05 July 2023 in Lille, France
On Saturday Kitchen why is no ones "food hell" ever dogshit on toast, or seagull eyes soup?
#Saturday #Kitchen #Food #PassTheSalt
#passthesalt #food #kitchen #saturday
Cette semaine, notre CEO, @abrianceau et notre Technical account manager, Florent Neyron de Rudder à Pass the SALT, conférence dédié aux logiciels libres et à la sécurité, à Lille. Ils ont eu l’occasion de présenter un état des lieux de la conformité des configurations en 2022. Retrouvez les slides de la présentation 👉 https://speakerdeck.com/rudder/configuration-compliance-in-2022
#logiciellibre #cybersécurity #sécurité #conférence #tech #passthesalt #it #configurationmanagement #configurationcompliance #conformité
#logiciellibre #cybersécurity #sécurité #conférence #tech #passthesalt #it #configurationmanagement #configurationcompliance #conformité
Hi all,
One of my favorite conference is going online at 2pm (4th to 6th of July)
It's Pass The SALT 2022, a conference which perfectly mix *security and Free Software*
You can join here :
#passthesalt #cybersecurity #freesoftware
#security @passthesaltcon@mastodon.social
#passthesalt #cybersecurity #freesoftware #security
"Forensics Low Level - Having fun with Linux onboard tools"
#pts2021 #passthesalt #security #linux #forensic
"Forensics Low Level - Having fun with Linux onboard tools"
#pts2021 #passthesalt #security #linux #forensic