How a bad password policy at Bank of America reduces security
When you force people to use hard-to-remember passwords, you're actually forcing them to use bad passwords.
#ComputerSecurity #Computers #ConsumerActivism #Internet #UserExperience #Web #BankOfAmerica #BoA #InformationSecurity #infosec #PasswordReuse #PasswordSecurity #passwords
#computersecurity #computers #consumeractivism #internet #userexperience #web #bankofamerica #boa #InformationSecurity #infosec #passwordreuse #passwordsecurity #passwords
Seeing Double with Digital Twin Security Concerns - The benefits of digital twins, defined by Gartner as “…a digital representation of... - #2023securityconcerns #digitaltwinsecurity #passwordreuse #digitaltwins #systemaccess #digitaltwin #readwrite #security #hackers #tech
#tech #hackers #security #readwrite #digitaltwin #systemaccess #digitaltwins #passwordreuse #digitaltwinsecurity #2023securityconcerns
As folks hunt for available #mastodon instances–with many now having closed their signups–it’s particularly important to use a unique password.
I haven’t heard of any malicious servers yet, but anyone can set up and promote an instance, so don’t give the potentially unknown person running yours the same password you use for your email and bank accounts!
#mastodon #infosec #security #passwordreuse
MFW I realize we're basically now living in #xkcd792 but with competently evil Black Hats.
#xkcd792 #xkcd #passwordreuse #power
Spotify Users Hit with Rash of Account Takeovers - Users of the music streaming service were targeted by attackers using credential-stuffing approach... #elasticsearchdatabase #credentialstuffing #spotifycredentials #accounttakeover #musicstreaming #cloudsecurity #passwordreuse #websecurity #cyberattack #vpnmentor #spotify #breach #hacks
#hacks #breach #spotify #vpnmentor #cyberattack #websecurity #passwordreuse #cloudsecurity #musicstreaming #accounttakeover #spotifycredentials #credentialstuffing #elasticsearchdatabase
Cyberattacks Hit Thousands of Canadian Tax, Benefit Accounts - The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) suspended online services after accounts were hit in a third wave ... #canadarevenueagency #credentialstuffing #servicesuspension #accounttakeover #passwordreuse #cyberattacks #websecurity #password #canada #hacks #gckey #hack #cra
#cra #hack #gckey #hacks #canada #password #websecurity #cyberattacks #passwordreuse #accounttakeover #servicesuspension #credentialstuffing #canadarevenueagency
iOS 14, macOS Big Sur, Safari to give us ‘No, thanks!’ option for ad tracking - At WWDC, Apple promised to double down on data protection in its upcoming iOS 14, macOS Big Sur, a... more: #intelligenttrackingprevention #worldwidedevelopersconference #browserfingerprint #operatingsystems #rogueextensions #signinwithapple #passwordreuse #privacyreport #applesafari #adtrackers
#adtrackers #applesafari #privacyreport #passwordreuse #signinwithapple #rogueextensions #operatingsystems #browserfingerprint #worldwidedevelopersconference #intelligenttrackingprevention
ThreatList: People Know Reusing Passwords Is Dumb, But Still Do It - Even seeing data breaches in the news, more than half of consumers are still reusing passwords. more: #mostrecentthreatlists #passwordreuse #websecurity #databreach #webvisitor #password #security
#security #password #webvisitor #databreach #websecurity #passwordreuse #mostrecentthreatlists
99% of compromised Microsoft enterprise accounts lack MFA - Cybercriminals compromise over a million Microsoft enterprise accounts each month as too few custo... more: #multi-factorauthentication #two-factorauthentication #2-factorauthentication #securitythreats #passwordreuse #replayattack #microsoft #office365 #privacy #windows #2fa #mfa
#mfa #2fa #windows #privacy #office365 #microsoft #replayattack #passwordreuse #securitythreats #two #multi
Boots yanks loyalty card payouts after 150K accounts get stuffed - The UK pharmacy chain says it wasn't hacked, its systems are fine. It's all the password reusers m... more: #2-factorauthentication #breachedcredentials #credentialstuffing #passwordstuffing #securitythreats #credentialreuse #passwordmanager #advantagecard #passwordreuse #loyaltycards #breach #boots #2fa
#2fa #boots #breach #loyaltycards #passwordreuse #advantagecard #passwordmanager #credentialreuse #securitythreats #passwordstuffing #credentialstuffing #breachedcredentials
Ring makes 2FA mandatory to keep hackers out of your doorbell account - Amazon is following Google's lead by forcing all users to use two-factor authentication when loggi... more: #2-factorauthentication #credentialstuffing #internetofthings #securitythreats #passwordreuse #videodoorbell #datasharing #neighbors #doorbell #amazon #webcam #ring #iot #2fa
#2fa #iot #ring #webcam #amazon #doorbell #neighbors #datasharing #videodoorbell #passwordreuse #securitythreats #internetofthings #credentialstuffing
Lottery hacker gets 9 months for his £5 cut of the loot - We don't care how little you made from your crimes, the judge said. We care that you went after an... more: #automatedpasswordguessing #computermisuseact1990 #credentialstuffing #stolencredentials #bruteforceattack #securitythreats #nationallottery #usercredentials #bruteforcetool #danielthompson #idrisakinwunmi #passwordreuse #uk
#uk #passwordreuse #idrisakinwunmi #danielthompson #bruteforcetool #usercredentials #nationallottery #securitythreats #bruteforceattack #stolencredentials #credentialstuffing #computermisuseact1990 #automatedpasswordguessing
Ring Plagued by Security Issues, Flood of Hacks - A Motherboard report found Ring lacking basic security measures for preventing hackers from hijack... more: #motherboardinvestigation #loginattempts #passwordreuse #smartdoorbell #ringdoorbell #privacy #amazon #hacker #hacks #ring #iot
#iot #ring #hacks #hacker #amazon #privacy #ringdoorbell #smartdoorbell #passwordreuse #loginattempts #motherboardinvestigation