Der neue Herd ist angeschlossen und funktioniert tadellos. Die erste Mahlzeit wurde natürlich dem fliegenden Spaghettimonster geweiht.😬
#fsm #pastafari #pastafarian
Am Freitag werde ich mich von meinem Herd verabschieden der mich seit 2002 begleitet hat.😭
Aber auf dem neuen Herd werden als erstes Nudeln gekocht um dem fliegenden Spaghettimonster zu huldigen!Arrr! :blobcatpirate:
#pastafari #fsm #pastafarian
@nudiebodhi @EverMama8_
Not sure if we have it in the US.
I tend to align with the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster and The Satanic Temple.
#jedi #jediism #pastafarian #fsm #thesatanictemple #tst
National #Macaroni Day
#FSM #Pastafarian #Spaghetti
#spaghetti #pastafarian #fsm #macaroni
@mckra1g As a confirmed #Pastafarian, all I can say is that if the #FlyingSpaghettiMonster had wanted us to build a temple to them for worship, this is what it would look like: Ornate, yet peaceful, and in tune with the seasons.
#pastafarian #flyingspaghettimonster
@MugsysRapSheet @WecanbeGyros praise his noodly goodness and his meaty balls #Pastafarian
I encourage every Progressive business #UncleThomas enters to deny him service (and cite their religion as justification.)
"My religion... #Pastafarian... disapproves of serving anyone we consider morally objectionable."
@wackyIdeas @WecanbeGyros
I encourage any Progressive business #UncleThomas enters to deny him service and cite their religion as justification.)
"My religion... #Pastafarian... disapproves of serving anyone we consider morally objectionable."
@davidaugust Get this for the #Pastafarian in your life:
Wort zum Freitag
#fsm #pastafari #pastafarian #spaghettimonster
#fsm #pastafari #pastafarian #spaghettimonster
Has anyone considered it could be a #Pastafarian ritual? #Pastagate
I heard about that postal worker who wants to not work on Sundays. Dear #Pastafarian friends, the #FlyingSpaghettiMonster would not want you to work on Fridays. If the court says that we have a religious right to not work on holy days, then consider the reasoning in this old article and ask for Fridays off:
#pastafarian #flyingspaghettimonster
@lisagrimm didn;t know there was such a thing, but as a #Pastafarian I'd say that whatever involves #beer on an Holy Firday is moren than welcome.
R'Amen to you, might your beer always be cold amd might you be touched by His noodly Appendage! 😎
That time when someone accuses you of being dishonest, you politely (really) tell them you're more than happy for them to think what they want, last of my problems, and you get accused of being rude too.... what's your problem? 😎
Love, peace and Pasta! R'Amen.
Me, a Pastafarian... Please, tell me more about your lord and saviour Cheesus?
Does he know the Flying Spaghetti Monster, would cheesus to cover my sins in lovely raclette?
#imnotreligiousbut #pastafarian #flyingspaghettimonster
Our Lord and savor the Flying Spaghetti Monster (Parmesan Be Upon Him) hath divinely inspired you with its noodly appendage to conduct spiritual battle against the false prophet
@westtexasjesus and his tankie heresies! Lo, you are not alone, @ArenaCops, Observe the ancient texts & scrolls which prove your words!
#Russia #Ukraine #WW2 #Stalin #FDR #Pastafarian #MolotovRibbentrop #SecretClauses
#russia #ukraine #WW2 #stalin #fdr #pastafarian #molotovribbentrop #secretclauses
RAMENdan is upon us now. According to His gospel delivered to us, it is analogous with the Islamic period of fasting, Ramadan, but rather than pray and fast , as it goes against our flimsy moral standards, we spend a few days of the month eating nothing but ramen. This is to teach us to be grateful for our accomplishments and if we have none yet, we should be happy to be pastafarians.
#ramendan #pastafarian #fsm #flyingspaghettimonster