Doktoro Jhivago - Boris #Pasternak-Esperantigita de Guglo.epub #Esperanto #GoogleTranslated #russianLiterature "Jarcentoj kaj generacioj libere spiris nur post Kristo. Nur post li la vivo komenciĝis en la idaro, kaj homo mortas ne sur la strato sub barilo, sed en sia propra historio, meze de laboro, dediĉita al venkado de morto...
#pasternak #esperanto #googletranslated #russianliterature From #Zhivago poems by Boris #Pasternak #translated by #JamesFalen #russian-#english #parallelText
#Christmas Star :.." He slept all refulgent in cradle of oak... Instead of a sheepskin he had for a cloak The kiss of a donkey and ox’s warm breath. Then suddenly someone from out of the dark Moved one of the Magi aside from the bed; And lo: at the door, like a guest from afar, There gazed at the Maid the Nativity Star. ... #poetry #books #Jesus
#zhivago #pasternak #translated #jamesfalen #russian #english #paralleltext #christmas #poetry #books #jesus #RussianPoetry- #Pushkin -#Akhmatova -#Pasternak-#Tsvetaeva-#Mandelstam- rus-eng mp3 #parallelText #podcasting #audiobook #RussianLiterature #intercultural #poetry #translation #AndreyKneller
#RussianPoetry #pushkin #Akhmatova #pasternak #tsvetaeva #mandelstam #paralleltext #podcasting #audiobook #russianliterature #intercultural #poetry #translation #andreykneller #Jesus #spirituality #russianLiterature #Pasternak " does not live in nature but in history, and that in present-day understanding it was founded by Christ...It is the setting in motion of centuries of work at the gradual unriddling of death and its eventual overcoming...First, love of one’s neighbor, that highest form of living energy, overflowing man’s heart..Ages and generations breathed freely only after Christ. Only after him did life in posterity begin..
#jesus #spirituality #russianliterature #pasternak From Zhivago poems by Boris Pasternak translated by James Falen-rus-eng.mp3 #russianpoetry #russianenglish #audiobook #podcast #pasternak #translation #poetry
#RussianPoetry #russianenglish #audiobook #podcast #pasternak #translation #poetry
From Doctor Zhivago by Boris #Pasternak -rus-eng parallel text-mp3 podcast - Русско-английские mp3 разговорники и аудиокниги #russianliterature