🥥 I've got a new #pastime I just thought up:
To assist new people on the #Fediverse, I'll be shining the spotlight on someone whom I follow each day so that you can as well -- if YOU like the cut of their jib.
NB: I've already given today's lucky person the nod, so you'll need to scroll my page to find out who it is.
PS: I suffer from various memory issues, so I may highlight the same person multiple days in a row.
(I prefer to introduce individuals rather than lists, so only 1 per diem.) 🥥
A quotation from Russell, Bertrand:
The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #enjoyment #pastime #value #wasteoftime
#quote #quotes #quotation #enjoyment #pastime #value #wasteoftime
Car jacking in #WashingtonDC now daily. Some days, three or more.
Is this a new #ghetto #pastime like sitting in the stoop?
#wtf #ghettofad #carjacking #crime #pastime #ghetto #washingtondc
A quotation from Tolkien, J.R.R.:
“I wish life was not so short,” he thought. “Languages take such a time, and so do all the things one wants to know about.”
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #language #learning #lifetime #pastime
#quote #quotes #quotation #language #learning #lifetime #pastime
A quotation from Schopenhauer, Arthur:
Ordinary men are intent merely on how to spend their time; a man with any talent is interested in how to use his time.
[Die gewöhnlichen Leute sind bloß darauf bedacht, die Zeit zuzubringen; wer irgend ein Talent hat, — sie zu benutzen.]
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #effectiveness #pastime #talent #time #use #usefulness #utility
#quote #quotes #quotation #effectiveness #pastime #talent #time #use #usefulness #utility
"Sayable Space is a television game for 1 or more people, it consists of saying "Space" out loud at the same time as Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) during the intro to Star Trek: The Next Generation. Or actually that's just half of the game. The second half is saying "Space", and the first half is remembering that you are playing this game."
#tng #Picard #starTrek #game #pastime #memory #timing #space
#tng #picard #startrek #game #pastime #memory #timing #space
Today's Poem:
Pastyme with Good Companye, Henry VIII
#poetry #henryviii #pastime #ease #pleasure #privilege
For the longest time my favorite #pastime was to comment nice things on people’s #birdsite posts.
I am reimplementing this approach on the #fediverse
Let’s all be unexpectedly and unabashedly #kind to each other :QueerCatHeart_Trans:
#pastime #birdsite #fediverse #kind
Asha has bought so many puzzle toys for PetitePuny, He is busy to solve those puzzles, What will happen if he can not solve those magic toys ? Will PetitePuny solve his puzzles or he will stay puzzled forever ? ...
#CIXIDORU #painting #colorful #colored_pencil #paper #sketch #pencil
#puzzle #magic #magic_cube #Rubik #magic_sphere #toy #game #entertainment #hobby #pastime #play #puzzled #confused
#boy #shota #toddler #blond #blonde
#sitting #sofa
#magic_cube #rubik #game #entertainment #magic #magic_sphere #toy #hobby #pencil #colorful #paper #cixidoru #painting #colored_pencil #sketch #puzzle #pastime #play #puzzled #confused #boy #shota #toddler #blond #blonde #sitting #sofa