Some spring variety on Down and Horseye Levels this morning, with an OSPREY high North at 10.42, a record (for me) 8 WATER PIPITS sitting in hawthorns, the long-staying ringtail Hen Harrier, an adult male Marsh Harrier, Red Kite, Shelduck, 3 Sedge Warblers, Swallow, 2 Great White Egrets, 5 each of Gadwall and Shoveler, and a Green Sandpiper. #Sussex #birding #SussexBirding #PevenseyLevels #PatchBirding
#sussex #birding #sussexbirding #pevenseylevels #patchbirding
92 species now for #LocalBigYear #patchbirding includig six woodpecker species drumming and calling today #lowcarbonbirding
#localbigyear #patchbirding #lowcarbonbirding
16.02.23. #FrodshamMarsh: An afternoon #patchbirding visit produced 2 Marsh Harriers, first Avocet back on territory, 100's of Black-tailed Godwit, 2 Ruff, 11 Pochard, plenty of Teal, Shoveler and Pintail. The highlight was this very confiding Water Pipit.
2 hours at Blaxton/Saltram: Grey plover, common gulls, kingfisher (f), 1 goosander (m), dunlin, turnstone, greenshanks, redshanks, curlews, 2 snipe, shelducks, bullfinch, nuthatch, RC pochard, GS woodpecker, buzzard #birdwatching #patchbirding #nature
#nature #patchbirding #birdwatching
Great scenes at Torpoint (finally) seeing the 5 grebe species. Also nice to see common gull, godwits, dunlin, avocets, rb merganser and GN diver. #birdwatching #patchbirding #TwitterNatureCommunity
#twitternaturecommunity #patchbirding #birdwatching
I’m looking for a birder who might join me for a Zoom call on Thursday eve to talk with a small group about the joys of watching a local patch… ideally someone outside SE England... I can offer a small fee or donation to charity for the time. Anyone interested please get in touch and we can chat. #birding #patchbirding
15 species this morning on my birding walk with small fry. hampered by not going able to stand still for more than 5seconds and the places I can walk with the buggy.
Still, added great black-backed gull to 2023 list for 31spp. on patch.
#patchbirding #lowcarbonbirding
Lunch hour birding in local cemetery:
15 species, including Treecreeper, Nuthatch, Mistle Thrush, Redwing, Chaffinch & 3 sp tits
#PatchBirding #Birding #YearList
#patchbirding #birding #yearlist
Confined to the sofa with #twixtmas lurgy (not Covid, according to two lateral flows, just bog-standard cough and cold misery) so here's the resident Grey Heron at the flood storage area near my parents' house, surveying its domain a few days ago.
#UrbanBirding #BritishBirds #BirdNerd #GreyHeron #HeronsOfMastodon #PatchBirding #LowCarbonBirding
#lowcarbonbirding #patchbirding #heronsofmastodon #greyheron #birdnerd #britishbirds #urbanbirding #twixtmas
On Christmas Eve we took a speculative look at Glynleigh Level, a lesser-watched corner of the Pevensey Levels. So glad we did. At least 1250 Lapwing in the air at once, perhaps 2000. 25 Golden Plover, Green Sand, 2 Egyptian Geese, 13 Shoveler, 33 Teal, 3 Little Egrets, Water Rail and a Roe Deer. Well worth the wellie wading. #sussexbirding #ukbirding #WeBS #sussex #patchbirding
#sussexbirding #ukbirding #webs #sussex #patchbirding
“On Tuesday evening, at 20.05hrs, I was taking out the rubbish, when I heard a call from south-west of the house. I froze, knowing what it was at once, but scarcely believing it.” I love Steve Gale’s thoughtful reflections on #patchbirding #lowcarbonbirding #mentalhealth #ukbirders well worth browsing the archives
#patchbirding #lowcarbonbirding #mentalhealth #ukbirders
Light S/E in crap weather produced my 3rd patch Little Auk up the Thames at East Tilbury this morning + 7 Eider, 9 Common Scoter, Kittiwake & 12 Little Gull. #Patchbirding #localbigyear
Epic patch visit today in perfect conditions for pushing maritime birds up the estuary.
NFY patch species incl.a 1st W Little Gull,Red throated Diver,3 Little Auk,Great northern Diver and female Scaup.
Also seen species incl. 7 Dark-bellied Brent Geese,10 Kittiwake,128 Common Scoter,Peregrine,Kingfisher,13 Goldeneye,a redhead Red-breasted Merganser and the continued presence of the juvenile female Blue-winged Teal for it's 5th week now.
1st W Little Gull and Red-breasted Merg the best so far on the patch this morning #patchbirding
Grotty afternoon #patchbirding Ruddy Shelduck, 4 Tufted Duck, Water Rail, 3 Jack Snipe, 2 Common Sand, Green Sand, 2 YLG, 3w Caspian Gull, 2 GWE, 2 Kingfisher, Peregrine, 2 Cetti’s, 3 Stonechat, 4 Bullfinch #birding #LocalBigYear
#patchbirding #birding #localbigyear
So I have no idea of what I’m doing yet, or how to follow/find other birders on here, so if you recognise me give me a follow. Sadly it’ll all be #patchbirding new and naff pics as usual :ablobattention:
One of two Dartford warblers found over the weekend at East Tilbury, looks like they have had another good breeding season. #patchbirding
Cracking local patch visit today,73 species including 1 NFY Snow Bunting with a lovely flock of 18 birds.
Also seen today,22 Dark-bellied Brent Geese(My largest local patch flock),Long-eared & Short-eared Owl,Spotted Redshank and 2 Barnacle Geese. #Patchbirding #UKbirding
Nice morning walk to blow away the cobwebs. Always nice to see the Grey Wagtails bobbing in the stream. #patchbirding #wildlife #birding #nature
#nature #birding #wildlife #patchbirding
#introduction I’m a #birder living in North East Scotland. Most of my time is spent #patchbirding, #seawatching, #soundrecording and looking for rare #birds on my #patch
#patch #birds #soundrecording #seawatching #patchbirding #birder #introduction