Psst, I heard you like backpatches!
This shipment just dropped today – get those orders in, and I’ll start sending ‘em out on Monday! 💀
#rctid #patchpatrol #ptfc #rosecity #rosecitytillidie #wyeast #bananaslug #iwantyourskulls
#iwantyourskulls #bananaslug #wyeast #rosecitytillidie #rosecity #ptfc #patchpatrol #rctid
A couple of people have asked if I’d turn this design into a backpatch.
Is that something you’d be interested in, i.e. actually BUY if I made it?
Please let me know in the comments, or tag a friend!
(the image is just a quick photoshop visualization – but you guys know how embroidered patches look!)
#ptfc #rctid #wyeastpatch #cascadia #portlandtimbers #timbers #patchpatrol
#patchpatrol #timbers #PortlandTimbers #cascadia #wyeastpatch #rctid #ptfc
It's gonna be a happy holiday season after all. 😊🌹🖤…
#ptfc #ThornsMetal #patchpatrol #rctid #baonpdx
Just ordered a short run – 100 patches, of which half are going to the young creator for fun and trading purposes. I’ll consult with him as to what charity should benefit from the sale of the remainder! ☺️ #rctid #PatchPatrol