DeFi group petitions to stop ‘patent troll’ targeting DeFi protocols - The DeFi Education Fund says a patent owned by True Return System... - #defieducationfund #truereturnsystems #makerdao #compound #petition #lawsuit #patent #uspto #us
#us #uspto #patent #lawsuit #petition #compound #makerdao #truereturnsystems #defieducationfund
#China's top #RISCV players form #patent alliance
Industry alliance confirms purpose of pact is 'to create an ecosystem of patent non-litigation'
Werbung mit erteiltem deutschem #Patent - wie macht Ihr das denn so, liebe Kreativ-Kolleginnen und Kollegen? Dezent-distinguiert oder eher marktschreierisch?
Haha, es ist nicht der Tesla, sondern der Ford...
#remotecontrol #patent #ruckfuhrung
New research on the impact of judge shopping on #patent litigation in a TX District Court finds that "judge shopping in the WDTX induced over a 33-month period an increase of around 460 patent cases that otherwise would not have been filed."
"The duo argues that FDA should use its authority to take several actions, including clarifying its guidelines for patents that can be listed in the Orange Book and working closely with USPTO to create a system to review and validate each #patent in the Orange Book."
"While #JohnsonAndJohnson’s main patent for #bedaquiline expired in July, it had faced criticism for using secondary patents – in which small modifications are made to a product to extend a #patent and prevent a product from being sold by competitors." #GenericDrugs
Cost of #tuberculosis treatment halved in deal to permit generic versions | Global development | The Guardian
#tuberculosis #genericdrugs #patent #bedaquiline #johnsonandjohnson
@hpower hat ihn eher nur vorn.
@janamanja wohl hinten, manchmal seitlich und ab und an flach neben sich.
Der #Reißverschluß feiert heut Geburtstag. 🎉
Whitcomb #Judson meldete 1893 ein #Patent für einen "clasp locker" an.
Als Stiefelverschluß konzipiert konnte er sich auch nach der Präsentation auf der Weltausstellung nicht durchsetzen.
Erst der Deutsche Wintherhalter produzierte ab 1924 in #halle in #Wupperthal und (bis heute ) in #Mendrisio RiRi-Verschlüsse in Serie.
#kalenderblatt #mendrisio #wupperthal #halle #patent #judson #reißverschluß
@Flyingfirepig @elaine personally, I think that instead of allowing cop-outs for not implementing USB-C Power Delivery, the @EU_Commission should standardize a magnetic connector for those applications that need sealed enclosured to comply with pressure-/liquid-resistance and Ex-Certification.
After all, Apple's #MagSafe #patent lapsed for good...
In fact I'd make toolfree remove- and swappable batteries a legal mandate and ban proprietary, non-standard battery formats and #DRM on #Batteries!
#patent #magsafe #batteries #DRM
Mit künstlicher Intelligenz können technische Probleme gelöst werden. Aber können diese Lösungen dann patentiert werden? Kann die #KI Erfinder sein? Wem gehört die Erfindung? Nach wohl herrschender aktueller Meinung gibt es zumindest in Europa keine „Erfindungen“ ohne menschliche (Mit-)Erfinder. Ein Patent würde nicht erteilt, müsste wohl widerrufen oder für nichtig erklärt werden. Jedenfalls kann die KI selbst nicht Rechteinhaber werden.
#ki #ip #ip1x1 #patent #intellectualproperty
What the great EU patent fight means for global competition.
<< really, this is a pretty straightforward lobbying drive by those who are big enough to use others' technology and refuse to pay, led of-bloody-course by Apple.
And yes, if successful, China will copy it to officially sanction Chinese state preferred companies stealing foreign IP ... because that is exactly what Apple and the German car makers are trying to achieve in the EU.
#IP #SEP #IPR #EU #patent
Künftige Apple Watch könnte sich automatisch an Farben anpassen
Apple untersucht akt
#News #Watch #ElectronicDevicesWithColorSamplingSensors #Algorithmen #AppleVisionPro #AppleWatch #Armbnder #Benutzerwahl #BlauesLicht #Display #ExterneObjekte #Farbanpassung #Farbpalette #Farbsensor #GrnesLicht #Kleidung #Lidar #NicolasPBonnier #Patent #Reflektanz #RotesLicht #Sensoren #Ziffernblatt
#News #watch #electronicdeviceswithcolorsamplingsensors #algorithmen #applevisionpro #applewatch #armbnder #benutzerwahl #blaueslicht #display #externeobjekte #farbanpassung #farbpalette #farbsensor #grneslicht #kleidung #lidar #nicolaspbonnier #patent #reflektanz #roteslicht #sensoren #ziffernblatt
Am I reading... Are they... Is this VC patent vultures collaborating with TechCrunch to tell small startups NOT to protect their intellectual property? #patent
Patents for medical technology inventions – how are they faring post-Aristocrat? #patent #health #medicine #subjectmatter #inventions
#patent #health #medicine #subjectmatter #inventions
@Rob300 @whvholst @reneestephen @tod
You can't #patent #text, or stories, or any #narrative. Patents are only for "#practical #devices" (though you don't actually have to prove it works, or even build one), although that has been (incorrectly, IMHO) extended to #software as well.
Some #jurisdictions recognize a second kind of patent, called a #design patent, which protects the "look and feel" of whatever's being patented. It also does not apply to text.
#patent #text #narrative #practical #devices #software #jurisdictions #design
The hostile #patent pool targeting the royalty-free AV1 CODEC appears again to be deeply flawed. Is it possible that all the #patents it contains are in fact non-essential to implementation of the AV1 #standards?
Bitcoin mining researchers claim new tech ups winning hash chance by 260% - UK-based research company Quantum Blockchain Technologies has dev... - #miningprobability #efficiency #research #bitcoin #miners. #mining #patent #asic #btc
#btc #asic #patent #mining #miners #bitcoin #research #efficiency #miningprobability
New Unified Patents patent takedown for a car notifying somebody of speeding other violations. Intellectual Ventures, a big NPE, held the patent. It had been used in lawsuits against Toyota, GM, and Honda.
#IP #IntellectualProperty #patent #Toyota #Honda #GM
#GM #honda #Toyota #patent #intellectualproperty #ip
Using common sense to resolve a patent case - am I dreaming - or just on drugs?
#Apple wins #Bluetooth pairing #patent case as judge applied commonsense test
#Nintendo Is Trying To #Patent Some Really Broad #TearsOfTheKingdom Mechanics
Loading screen maps and movement physics are just some of the Zelda elements Nintendo is trying to patent
#nintendo #patent #tearsofthekingdom