Gerichtsurteil: #Intel wird keine 2,18 Milliarden US-Dollar an „#Patenttroll“ zahlen #Intel #Patent via @ComputerBase
#10yrsago Game designer creates a never-played-by-humans titanium boardgame and buries it for play in 2700 years
#10yrsago Hardwood #Escher tesselated lizard tiles
#10yrsago How London cops use social media to spy on protest movements
#10yrsago Vermont passes anti-#PatentTroll law
#10yrsago #RIAA losing money, firing employees, giving execs raises
#10yrsago #escher #patenttroll #riaa
@pluralistic , I hate patents and I would like to make sure that nobody can patent a device I designed (see and ) But I don't have the money nor the time to apply for one. I learned that public disclosure won't necessarily block an application by someone else. Any suggestion? #patenttroll
Someone is knowledgeable about US patents and Canadian ones? I though 'prior art' or obviousness were sufficient to invalidate any patent infringement allegation... The Kickstarter campaigner even states this in his project description: "It's such an obvious idea that it should already exist!" and he got a US patent for it 🙄
I described the EXACT same idea on a public forum in 2016.
I see he didn't get a Canadian patent for it, should I file one? (I'm a Canadian citizen). #patenttroll
Apple siegt in Berufung, spart 502,8 Mio. Dollar?
Apple gewinnt Patentstreit mit VirnetX nach 10 Jahren!
#News #Apple #FaceTime #Gerichtsverfahren #iMessage #iPhone #Patentstreit #Patenttroll #ungültigePatente #VirnetX #VPN-Patente #Zahlung
#News #Apple #facetime #gerichtsverfahren #imessage #iphone #patentstreit #patenttroll #ungultigepatente #virnetx #VPN #zahlung
#Dell and partners smash #patenttroll #WSOU in court
In a surprising turn of events, as all patent trolls want to file in the US Western District of Texas #Court. the pro-patent court's appointed Judge Alan Albright tossed out WSOU's case.
#dell #patenttroll #wsou #court
Peter Thiel, Mushroom Patent Troll! 🍄
Psychedelic Assisted Therapy: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
"John Oliver discusses psychedelic assisted therapy: its history, its potential, and what it has to do with A$AP Rocky’s relationship to rainbows."
#PsychedelicAssistedTherapy #PeterThiel #PatentTroll #Compass
#psychedelicassistedtherapy #peterthiel #patenttroll #compass
I preordered a 3-pack of #Mycroft Mark IIs in November 2018, the same month Voice Tech Corp, the #PatentTroll who was able to sue them out of existence without even winning, incorporated in patent-troll-friendly Texas. Estimated delivery date was December 2018.
The first peep out of Mycroft about the lawsuit was in February 2020. Under different circumstances, I might have even contributed money to fight the trolls. But by then I'd already asked for a refund and had been told no because "we're committed to shipping all units". The fact that they were now ALSO getting sued just felt like further excuses for not delivering.
At this point, I don't know at all how much patent trolls actually committed to the death of the project. But I do know I'll never be participating in another #Kickstarter again.
There is nothing just about a society where someone can cost you a million dollars by suing you without even having to win the lawsuit. The only rational thing to do in a society like ours, at least if you are completely lacking in morals, is to become a parasite on those who actually try to create things. At least until nobody creates anything anymore, which is basically where we are when it comes to computing.
#mycroft #patenttroll #kickstarter
Is that right? RED (the camera maker) obtained a US patent for compressing raw video regardless of algorithms used? Please, correct me...
#FuckPatents #videocamera #patenttroll
Det här är för djävligt.
Patent- och upphovsrätten behöver utformas så att det inte låter parasitverksamheter utpressa hederliga företag och organisationer! #patenttroll
RT @stenssok: Patenttrollens nya metod: ger sig på projekt som baseras på öppen källkod
#GeorgeHotz geht "irrational" gegen #Patenttroll vor.
Der #Patenttroll habe sich das falsche Opfer ausgesucht, so der bekannte #Hacker und #Firmengründer #Geohot. ...
#comma #GeorgeHotz #patenttroll #hacker #firmengrunder #geohot
#GeorgeHotz geht "irrational" gegen #Patenttroll vor.
Der #Patenttroll habe sich das falsche Opfer ausgesucht, so der bekannte #Hacker und #Firmengründer #Geohot. ...
#comma #GeorgeHotz #patenttroll #hacker #firmengrunder #geohot
Per il tribunale di Roma, vivaddio, descrizione ≠ Denominazione (ma attenzione: #spaghettoquadrato poteva forse diventare un vero marchio se solo fosse stato pubblicizzato molto di più...)
Lo spiega l'Avv. Cristina Bellomunno sul #FattoAlimentare
#spaghettoquadrato #FattoAlimentare #patenttroll
Intel a été condamné à une amende de 2,2 milliards de dollars pour la violation de bien étranges brevets #patentTroll /@01net
En fin d'année dernière, un #PatentTroll avait attaqué la Fondation @gnome sur la base d'un brevet fumeux... C'est à présent terminé ! 😁️
#GNOME a gagné, même si selon moi cette victoire est en demi-teinte. 😐️
Pour rappel, voilà ce que ça donne les brevets logiciels aux États-Unis... 😩
Les Brevet Logiciel Unitaire : la troisième tentative d'importer les brevets logiciels en Europe... Et qui dit brevet logiciel dit #PatentTroll 😰
Le #PatentTroll Blackbird est en train de se prendre une déculotté : Cloudflare a décidé de faire invalider TOUS ses brevets, et ils ont en plus porté plainte contre le lui 😁
Have you ever wanted to beat a patent troll?
Lets send a message to all patent trolls not to mess with the #foss community!
#foss #gnomefoundation #patenttroll
The Document Foundation supports GNOME Foundation fight against a patent troll
Spread it, share your love and donate to the GNOME Patent Troll Defense Fund,
#TDF #TheDocumentFoundation #GNOME #patents #PatentTroll #PatentTrollDefenseFund
#gnome #patents #patenttroll #tdf #thedocumentfoundation #PatentTrollDefenseFund