The truth is I have no
#Paternal or parental bone in
My body. My parenting skills
Are imperfect, inadequate, &
Made up on the fly. I don’t need
An invented commercial day to
Celebrate how hard we work to
Make this family function as
Well as it can. All we want
Is for all the others to be happy.
Sometimes it works, & often
It doesn’t & hurts instead.
What I really want is to be a
Person who cares, not a parent
Put into some compartment that
Says old & tired & past it.
they once knew a man
who tried being paternal
it did not end well
#haiku #575 #poetry #writing #WritingCommunity #MastoPrompt #paternal
#paternal #MastoPrompt #writingcommunity #writing #poetry #haiku
my father's father
gave up on life after my
father's mother died
#MastoPrompt - #paternal
#fathersday #father #writingcommunity #writing #poetrycommunity #poetry #senryu #haiku #paternal #MastoPrompt
A widowed father
Eternal admiration
Paternal courage
Seeking #paternal guidance, I see no #affable old man.
I see an active force of creation with the power of #storm and #lightning, knowing itself as #one with the maternal might of beingness.
This is my #beginning.
#MastoPrompt #brknshards #vssnature #whistpr #vss365 #rise365
#paternal #affable #storm #lightning #one #beginning #mastoprompt #brknshards #vssnature #whistpr #vss365 #rise365 #writingcommunity
The demons roam the hallways
Of your haunted mind,
A house of memories
Birthed from your lack of love and light -
A family destroyed
In the deafening absences
That you called providing in fatherhood,
But you failed to act as a father would
As a father should
As only
a father
I grew strong from your disconnection
The lack of #paternal love fueling my flame
And as I hold your hand closely,
I whisper my final mournings:
Are not allowed
To haunt me
When you are
The #MastoPrompt for Sunday 18th June 2023 is:
The poem or story can include the prompt word or be about the prompt word.
#SmallStories #MicroFiction #Poetry #smallpoems #paternal #MastoPrompt
The #MastoPrompt for Sunday 18th June 2023 is:
The poem or story can include the prompt word or be about the prompt word.
#SmallStories #MicroFiction #Poetry #smallpoems #paternal #MastoPrompt
Margaret /'margrɪt or 'margərɪt (US English) = female #given #name meaning "pearl"; attested in English at least since the 1000s.
#Margalit (also #Margalith, #Marganit) /marga'lit (Hebrew), 'margəlit (English)/ = 1. female #given #name meaning "gem, pearl" ➡️ 2. a Jewish #matronymic ➡️ #paternal #surname attested at least as early as the late 1400s.
#given #name #margalit #margalith #marganit #matronymic #paternal #surname
After having done a PhD about #paternal #care in new world monkey, this first paper of my postdoc started 20 years of long-term studies on striped mice #Rhabdomys pumilio.
For me it was most important to show that in this species paternal care also occurs in the field, not only in the lab!
Schradin, C. & Pillay, N. 2003. Paternal care in the social and diurnal striped mouse (Rhabdomys pumilio): laboratory and field evidence. J Comp Psychol 117, 317-324.
After havung done a PhD about #paternal #care in new world monkey, this first paper of my postdoc started 20 years of long-term studies on striped mice #Rhabdomys pumilio.
For me it was most important to show that in this species paternal care also occurs in the field, not only in the lab!
Schradin, C. & Pillay, N. 2003. Paternal care in the social and diurnal striped mouse (Rhabdomys pumilio): laboratory and field evidence. J Comp Psychol 117, 317-324.
Grew up w/ #sociopaths #paternal #family
But have an allergy to #evil as spent nearly 3 decades actively trying to escape & finally did
Was an #irl #MrBean but now just a hermit recluse #putAForkInIt I’m done #fine
I do understand all too clearly how their twisted minds work & as a society b/c these a**holes are in #leadership positions, we’re screwed
However, & I’ve thought about this quite a bit, they are f£%d too as one thing you can count on w/ #psychopaths is #hubris
#sociopaths #paternal #family #evil #irl #mrbean #putaforkinit #fine #leadership #psychopaths #hubris
#MedMastodon Just the facts part 3. #PerinatalMentalHealth #Maternal #Paternal #Parental #Pregnancy #Postpartum #Depression #Anxiety #Perinatal
#MedMastodon #perinatalmentalhealth #maternal #paternal #parental #pregnancy #postpartum #Depression #anxiety #perinatal
#MedMastodon Just the facts part 2. #PerinatalMentalHealth #Maternal #Paternal #Parental #Pregnancy #Postpartum #Depression #Anxiety #Perinatal
#MedMastodon #perinatalmentalhealth #maternal #paternal #parental #pregnancy #postpartum #Depression #anxiety #perinatal
#MedMastodon Just the facts part 1. #PerinatalMentalHealth #Maternal #Paternal #Parental #Pregnancy #Postpartum #Depression #Anxiety #Perinatal
#MedMastodon #perinatalmentalhealth #maternal #paternal #parental #pregnancy #postpartum #Depression #anxiety #perinatal
#PerinatalMentalHealth #Maternal #Paternal #Parental #Pregnancy #Postpartum #Depression #Anxiety #Perinatal #AdoptionAgencies #BirthingCenters #Chiropractors #CountyHealthClinics #Doulas #EmergencyRoomStaff #LactationConsultants #IBCLC #LaborDeliveryNurses #LaborDeliveryUnits #Midwives #Naturopathic #ObstetricsGynecology #OBGYN #Perinatalogists #Pediatricians #PrimaryCarePhysicians #SurrogacyCenters #Therapists #Acupuncturists #CentersForDiseaseControl #CDC #ChildbirthEducators
#perinatalmentalhealth #maternal #paternal #parental #pregnancy #postpartum #Depression #anxiety #perinatal #adoptionagencies #birthingcenters #chiropractors #countyhealthclinics #doulas #emergencyroomstaff #lactationconsultants #ibclc #labordeliverynurses #labordeliveryunits #midwives #naturopathic #obstetricsgynecology #obgyn #perinatalogists #pediatricians #primarycarephysicians #surrogacycenters #therapists #acupuncturists #centersfordiseasecontrol #cdc #childbirtheducators
What’s the value of living (not emmigrating) in such #autocratic and #paternal society as a #liberalist? Prof. Chan said this shows a great #encouragement to the other liberalist people. 😉 Let’s try not to be changed!
#autocratic #paternal #liberalist #encouragement