The Walker Revolver The True Story of Sam Colt’s Come Back #Cap&Ball #CapAndBall #Cb #CentralDivision #colt #guns #handguns #history #JackHays #MexicanAmericanWar #MexicanWar #MinnesotaWild #Paterson #PrecisionSports #revolvers #SamuelColt #SamuelWalker #walker #WesternConference
#cap #capandball #cb #centraldivision #colt #guns #handguns #history #jackhays #mexicanamericanwar #mexicanwar #minnesotawild #paterson #precisionsports #revolvers #samuelcolt #samuelwalker #walker #westernconference
Bring the trains back to downtown Passaic and Clifton!
RT @njtpa MONDAY #PassaicCounty will host our Board of Trustees meeting this month! Join us at 10:30 a.m. at the Great Falls Center in #Paterson.
Today in Labor History July 3, 1835: 2000 children, mostly Irish and female, went on strike at the silk mills of Paterson, N.J., for an 11-hour day and 6-day week. They were currently being forced to work 13 hours per day Monday through Saturday, and were regularly fined for minor disciplinary infractions. Solidarity by workers in neighboring cities, including financial support from New York and Newark, helped sustain the strike for two weeks. However, the bosses eventually won the strike, but did offer a compromise of a 69-hour work week. And strike leaders, and their families, were permanently barred from future employment in Paterson.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #strike #paterson #silk #mill #children #ChildLabor #ChildExploitation #WorkingHours
#workingclass #LaborHistory #strike #paterson #silk #mill #children #childlabor #childexploitation #workinghours
Today in Labor History June 7, 1913: The radical labor union, IWW, held a fundraising pageant at Madison Square Gardens. The production featured songs and a reenactment of events from the ongoing Paterson strike. It was created and performed by 1,000 mill workers from the silk industry strike. John Reed organized a march of strikers into Manhattan for the pageant.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #iww #paterson #women #union #strike #MadisonSquareGarden
#workingclass #LaborHistory #IWW #paterson #women #union #strike #madisonsquaregarden
Im Bistro der Alten Kaserne #Winterthur gibt es eine sehenswerte #Comic-#Ausstellung mit Arbeiten von Mark #Paterson. Es sind schräge, analog gezeichnete Geschichten: "Göttibazen", " Hobbylos" und "Karlik" musste ich gleich kaufen. Alle im Mauerblümchen-Verlag.
#paterson #ausstellung #comic #winterthur
I finally watched Jim Jarmusch’s Paterson,
a film I had kept in waiting for a long time.
Very inspiring, meditative stuff.
I wondered if anyone had taken the Paterson challenge,
to keep a ‘secret notebook’ full of poems,
written by hand in one take,
without rewrite or edit.
To write and never show anyone,
to write just for the secret of it.
#jimjarmusch #paterson #poem #poetry
#JusticeForNajeeSeabrooks rally, today, March 14th at 6pm At Paterson City Hall in Paterson, NJ
#NajeeSeabrooks #Paterson #NewJersey #NJ #BlackLivesMatter #ACAB
#justicefornajeeseabrooks #najeeseabrooks #paterson #newjersey #nj #blacklivesmatter #acab
Today in Labor History March 9, 1879: Anarchist militant and IWW organizer, Carlo Tresca, was born. Tresca was an outspoken opponent of fascism in Germany and Italy and of Soviet Communism. He was one of the main organizers of the Patterson Silk Strike. He was assassinated in 1943 by an unknown assailant, presumably a fascist or the Mafia. Some believe the Soviets killed him in retaliation for his criticism of Stalin. The most recent research suggests it was the Bonanno crime family, in response to his criticism of the mafia and Mussolini.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #IWW #union #strike #anarchism #communism #paterson #mafia #stalin #soviet #fascism #mussolini
#workingclass #LaborHistory #IWW #union #strike #anarchism #communism #paterson #mafia #stalin #soviet #fascism #mussolini
Rally for Najee Seabrooks today, March 7, in Paterson, NJ, at 6pm.
#NajeeSeabrooks #JusticeforNajee #Justice4Najee #BlackLivesMatter #ACAB #Paterson #NJ #NewJersey @igd_news
#najeeseabrooks #justicefornajee #justice4najee #blacklivesmatter #acab #paterson #nj #newjersey
New Paterson Measuring Graduate 300ml
Items are New and include UK postage and packaging
Cards / PayPal accepted via
#paterson #300ml #filmisnotdead
Reimagining Justice works day in and day out to prevent violence in our community. Today in #Paterson we are announcing $1 million my office secured to help them continue their lifesaving work.
The last full season of professional baseball here at Paterson (NJ) Hinchliffe Stadium was in 1945 when the Negro League New York Black Yankees called it home. Workers are now putting the finishing touches on a renovation which will bring baseball back after almost eight decades. The independent minor league New Jersey Jackals begin play here in May. #baseball #Paterson #NegroLeagues
#baseball #paterson #negroleagues
One of my great pleasures in this job is welcoming new police to the force. I told #Paterson’s newest crop of officers that our community is counting on them!
#Paterson leads an unremarkable day to day life. He writes poetry in his little notebook before & after his shifts as a bus driver. He eavesdrops on his passengers sometimes, loves his quirky wife, who dreams of owning a cupcake business & country music stardom. He observes small coincidences in his surroundings & experiences little dramas. Inspiration doesn't have to come from something high or grand. Your everyday surroundings, however mundane, can give you that. #JimJarmusch #AdamDriver
#paterson #jimjarmusch #adamdriver
@lottacontinua88 @geekgirl that us like #Paterson movie, it is the inter-relationship between the characters that is the movie, not a single event but I haven’t seen it yet (so I guess no big showstopper action sequences 😂). Hope your mum (mom) and sister forgive you; just put Adam driver posters up so they can relive the experience. Tell them Teddy told you to do it
@geekgirl I live #AdamDriver in a bromance way. #Paterson was a delight as a bus driver writing poetry going about his day to day activities
#JimJarmusch . . Paterson (film) Paterson is a bus driver ... and . . is exquisiteness . . #Paterson
@classicalmusic @contemporarymusic
#RobertPaterson b 1970
Hell's Kitchen for Chamber Ensemble
#SatoMoughalian #Flute
#TashaWarren #Clarinet
#MatthewWard #Percussion
#BlairMcMillen #Piano
#EstherNoh #Violin
#Dave Eggar #Cello
#MartimSousaTavares, Conductor
#musik #music #musique #musica #Paterson
#paterson #musica #musique #music #musik #contemporarymusic #classicalmusic #martimsousatavares #cello #dave #violin #esthernoh #piano #blairmcmillen #percussion #matthewward #clarinet #tashawarren #flute #satomoughalian #americanmodernensemble #robertpaterson
@classicalmusic @contemporarymusic
#RobertPaterson b 1970
#Sonata for Bassoon and Piano (2001)-
#Gina Cuffari #bassoon
#Amir Farid #piano
#musik #music #musique #musica #Paterson
#paterson #musica #musique #music #musik #contemporarymusic #classicalmusic #woodwindwednesday #piano #amir #bassoon #gina #sonata #robertpaterson