"Knockin' on Heaven's Door" is a song by American singer-songwriter #BobDylan, written for #theSoundtrack of the 1973 film #PatGarrettAndBillyTheKid. Released as a single two months after the film's premiere, it became a worldwide hit, reaching the Top 10 in several countries. The song became one of Dylan's most popular and most covered post-1960s compositions, spawning covers from #EricClapton, #GunsNRoses, #RandyCrawford and more.
#bobdylan #thesoundtrack #patgarrettandbillythekid #ericclapton #gunsnroses #randycrawford
"Knockin' on Heaven's Door" is a song by American singer-songwriter #BobDylan, written for #theSoundtrack of the 1973 film #PatGarrettAndBillyTheKid. Released as a single two months after the film's premiere, it became a worldwide hit, reaching the Top 10 in several countries. The song became one of Dylan's most popular and most covered post-1960s compositions, spawning covers from #EricClapton, #GunsNRoses, #RandyCrawford and more.
#bobdylan #thesoundtrack #patgarrettandbillythekid #ericclapton #gunsnroses #randycrawford
On December 8, 1983 western movie and cult film icom Slim Pickens died in Columbia, California.
R.I.P. (1919 - 1983)
#RestInPeace #SlimPickens #WhiteLineFever #DrStrangelove #BlazingSaddles #OneEyedJacks #PatGarrettAndBillyTheKid #WesternMovies #CultFilms #Art #MovieHistory
#restinpeace #slimpickens #whitelinefever #drstrangelove #blazingsaddles #oneeyedjacks #patgarrettandbillythekid #westernmovies #cultfilms #art #moviehistory
In our penultimate episode of #Western Month at Film Seizure, the guys discuss the #SamPeckinpah gritty film #PatGarrettandBillytheKid
#western #sampeckinpah #patgarrettandbillythekid