I should be playing #Pathfinder1e right now.
I mean, I didn't have plans for it this weekend, but I should be playing anyway.
Magic Missile II: 2nd lvl, 2 1d6+1 missiles, +1 per 2 caster levels above 3rd, max 6.
M.M. III: 3rd, 3 1d8+1, +1 per 2 cl over 5th, max 7.
M.M. IV: 4th, 4 1d10+1, +1 per 2 cl over 7th, max 8
M.M V: 5th, Range: long, 5 1d12+1, +1 per 2 cl over 9th, max 9
#Spelltweets #Pathfinder1e
I'm trying to figure out how to best structure the list of playable races for my #Ustalav campaigns in my #HouseRules.
I could list all the 0-HD races in Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Races that are not permitted as playable characters, then list all the races that are not in Inner Sea Races that are permitted, or I could just provide a recommended list and say anything that is not on the recommended list we should talk about first.
#ustalav #Houserules #pathfinder1e #p1e #pathfinder1 #ttrpg #ttrpgs
Let me build a whole new world for you!
Book me for your group, and I'll custom build the setting to suit your table, using your system of choice if I am proficient in it, centering the action and the campaign entirely on your characters and backgrounds.
#ttrpg #dnd #dnd5e #GURPS #MutantsAndMasterminds #Pathfinder1e
#ttrpg #DnD #dnd5e #gurps #mutantsandmasterminds #pathfinder1e
I'm still procrastinating creating the stat block for my vampire pumpkins.
I have a pretty good idea of what I want them to be like now, it's just a matter of generating the stat block.
I've been procrastinating for two weeks now. I don't fully know why.
I am thinking about giving them the ability to root themselves that Glutton Grass has.
#VampirePumpkin #Vampires #Pumpkin #JackOLantern #Pathfinder1e #P1e #Ustalav
#Pathfinder1 #PathfinderRPG
#procrastination #vampirepumpkin #vampires #pumpkin #jackolantern #pathfinder1e #p1e #ustalav #pathfinder1 #pathfinderrpg #ttrpg #ttrpgs
I'm thinking about banning Leadership for my next #Pathfinder1e group, but leaving in all the pseudo-leadership feats that only grant a cohort and upgrade to leadership at level 7. I'd just say that they never roll over to full Leadership.
There's also a cleric domain (nobility) that grants Leadership at level 8 that I could just say grants a pseudo-leadership feat of the player's choice (from a provided list).
Or maybe I just remove followers from the Leadership feat.
24. most complex is definitely #pathfinder1e, simplest is #knave for sure.
#knave #pathfinder1e #rpgaday2023
Any #DnD3x / #Pathfinder1e DMs/GMs have any experience with Leadership feat in their games?
How did it go?
I had a player take Leadership feat once. I did not like it.
#Pathfinder1 #P1e
#PathfinderRPG #PFRPG
#DnD3x #DnD3 #DnD35
#DungeonsandDragons #TTRPG
#dnd3x #pathfinder1e #pathfinder1 #p1e #pathfinderrpg #PFRPG #dnd3 #dnd35 #dungeonsAndDragons #ttrpg
Any #Dnd3x / #Pathfinder1e DMs/GMs have any experience with Leadership feat in their games?
How did it go?
I had a player take Leadership feat once. I did not like it.
#Pathfinder1 #P1e
#PathfinderRPG #PFRPG
#DnD3x #DnD3 #DnD35
#DungeonsandDragons #TTRPG
#dnd3x #pathfinder1e #pathfinder1 #p1e #pathfinderrpg #PFRPG #dnd3 #dnd35 #dungeonsAndDragons #ttrpg
22. not a purchase but I’ve got a handful of hand-me-downs over the years, #WhiteBox, #WFRP core book (maybe third edition? Not really sure), current copy of #Pathfinder1e core book all come to mind.
#pathfinder1e #wfrp #whitebox #rpgaday2023
I occasionally look at the hashtag #Pathfinder1e on Mastodon and I'm like "Well, looks like I'm the only one."
Today I looked at #Pathfinder1 as well. I was surprised to learn that was in much more use. I am not going to go back and re-tag my posts. I need to remember to also use that going forward though.
I just saw your post from March.
(I was following #Pathfinder1e hashtag instead of #Pathfinder1 hashtag.)
In carnivorous casting, it specifies "0-level spells count as one-half spell level for the purpose of this feat."
In standard P1e rules, the PC classes that have access to level 0 spells can cast them an unlimited number of times per day, so when would carnivorous casting be used to cast a level 0 spell?
I'm thinking about #Pathfinder1e adventures suitable for level one in #Ustalav. One idea is dealing with a possession by a low CR entity.
I like the idea of using Ritual Exorcism from Occult Adventures, but the failure effect (a temporary negative level for all casters+4d6 damage for primary caster) is fatal at level 1.
I might make a weaker version of the #ritual (only affects low CR entities) with a less severe failure effect. Maybe "folk exorcism."
#pathfinder1e #ustalav #ritual #ttrpg #p1e
I might give my vampire pumpkins the ability to keep the blood on which they feed fresh for later consumption by vampires, which would make them desirable for actual vampires to keep around.
#vampirepumpkin #vampire #pumpkin #jackolantern #Pathfinder1e #P1e #Ustalav #PathfinderRPG
#vampirepumpkin #vampire #pumpkin #jackolantern #pathfinder1e #p1e #ustalav #pathfinderrpg #ttrpg #ttrpgs
I'm developing a #Pathfinder1e monster.
The monster idea is a Vampire Pumpkin for my #Ustalav campaign(s).
Creature is a Tiny Plant with...
--Reach of 5 ft. (unusual for Tiny).
--Attach (Ex) on Bite.
--Bite as a Medium creature.
--Grab (Ex) on tendril attacks.
--Blood Drain (Ex) in a grapple.
--Freeze (Ex) (as jack o'lantern).
I haven't decided on the CR or HD yet. I'm feeling like CR of 2 to 5.
#vampirepumpkin #vampire #pumpkin #jackolantern #P1e #TTRPG #Pathfinder #PathfinderRPG
#pathfinder1e #ustalav #vampirepumpkin #vampire #pumpkin #jackolantern #p1e #ttrpg #pathfinder #pathfinderrpg
18. favorite system is probably #Pathfinder1e mainly because it's the one i've played the most and am most familiar with. i love the mechanics and customization options and i love the lore of the setting.
This is a shot in the dark, but anybody in Charleston, WV or the vicinity interested in joining a #Pathfinder1e in-person mini-campaign of three to five sessions with a chance that it becomes something longer?
If you see this post months or years from now, just know I'm probably still interested in GMing. 😃 By then I may actually actively have a game running.
#CharlestonWV #WV
#DnD #DnD3x #DnD3 #DnD35
#pathfinder1e #charlestonwv #wv #ttrpg #DnD #dnd3x #dnd3 #dnd35
Those adventures were a good time.
#rpgaday2023 #FreeRPGDay #webegoblins #pathfinder1e #ttrpg #rpg #jdr #pathfinder #rpgaday #paizo
#rpgaday2023 #FreeRPGDay #webegoblins #pathfinder1e #ttrpg #rpg #jdr #pathfinder #rpgaday #paizo
#RPGaDAY2023 Day 15: My favourite con module is @paizo@twitter.piriklub.eu's 2011 #FreeRpgDay offering, #WeBeGoblins for #Pathfinder1E. Meant to be played quickly in FLGS, its fun and short format also makes it a great convention adventure. #ttrpg #rpg #jdr #Pathfinder #RPGaDay #Paizo
#rpgaday2023 #freerpgday #webegoblins #pathfinder1e #ttrpg #rpg #jdr #pathfinder #RPGaDay #paizo
#RPGaDAY2023 Day 15: My favourite con module is @paizo's 2011 #FreeRpgDay offering, #WeBeGoblins for #Pathfinder1E. Meant to be played quickly in FLGS, its fun and short format also makes it a great convention adventure. #ttrpg #rpg #jdr #Pathfinder #RPGaDay #Paizo
#rpgaday2023 #FreeRPGDay #webegoblins #pathfinder1e #ttrpg #rpg #jdr #pathfinder #rpgaday #paizo