Off to play some #KillTeam soon. Just gotta at least prime my #Pathfinders and make sure the arms on my #FleshTearers are glued on right. I've got 30 minutes. #Warhammer40k
#killteam #pathfinders #FleshTearers #warhammer40k
Just had an _absolute_ blast chatting with Jeff Lamb about #gis, #data, and other stuff about which I get handwavey, for his awesome #Pathfinders initiative <3
Stay tuned - we'll be posting it in the next coupla weeks!
“Don’t talk to me or my son ever again…”
Starting to build my Pathfinder team. #40k #Pathfinders #Tau #TauEmpire #Warhammer #WarhammerCommunity #WIP
#40k #pathfinders #tau #tauempire #warhammer #warhammercommunity #WIP
Rex (ROTJ)
CC-7567, nicknamed Rex, was a clone trooper captain during the Clone Wars, the galaxy-wide conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
#Characters #D6 #D6Stats #NikSant #Pathfinders #ReturnoftheJedi #Rex #ROTJ #RPGGM #starwarsd6 #SWRPG #swrpggm
#characters #d6 #d6stats #niksant #pathfinders #returnofthejedi #rex #rotj #rpggm #starwarsd6 #swrpg #swrpggm
The Pathfinders, la storica missione su Marte protagonista di un documentario - #pathfinders #storica #missione #marte #protagonista #documentario #hdblogit #1luglio
#1luglio #hdblogit #documentario #protagonista #marte #missione #storica #pathfinders