"Displacement experiments provide evidence for path integration in #Drosophila", Titova et al. 2022 (Andrew Straw's lab) https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.07.22.501185v1
In other words, desert ants (#Cataglyphis) and bees are famous for exploring a landscape and then returning in a straight line to the nest – but this ability may be present in all insects, if it is present even in the humble Drosophila.
What a clever set of experiments!
#pathintegration #entomology #neuroscience #cataglyphis #drosophila
Aha! The famous Pfeiffer & Foster 2013 hidden-goal navigation task is apparently not hippocampo- dependent!! 🤯
I am not completely surprised as this task might be solved by #PathIntegration… 🤔
These findings call into question whether “prospective replay” of an imminent and direct path is actually necessary for its execution in certain navigational tasks
Need to read ASAP!