Hoe de bloei van "pure #wiskunde" een vlucht krijgt door de opkomst van #democratie, #retorica en de #pathos van argumentatie. Om over de #logos te zwijgen. Tot die tijd ging het vooral over het praktische meten van oppervlakten, hoogte van gebouwen, en bijhouden van de goudvoorraad,
Net deze #podcast geluisterd, over één van de belangrijkste werken in de wiskunde: Euclides' Elementen. Ik heb zelf een prachtige editie in de kast staan (en gelezen).
https://podcastaddict.com/in-our-time/episode/66862051 #InOurTime #filosofie
#wiskunde #democratie #retorica #pathos #logos #podcast #inourtime #filosofie
Some oldies and some newbies. #Roses #PolkaDotPlant #JadePlant #Pathos #KitchenWindow
#roses #polkadotplant #jadeplant #pathos #kitchenwindow
Hello, a friend and I accidentally wrote a children's book for grownups. Tiny stories about hopeful, damaged, confused, peculiar characters. We hope you enjoy it.
Out on Amazon and B&N, so far:
Hopefully soon on Bookshop.
#SofaStories #FediBooks #MastoBooks #Vintage #Retro #Animals #Pathos #NewBooks #YesYes #CreativeToots #Illustration #Character #Drawing #MastoArt #FediArt
#fediart #MastoArt #drawing #character #illustration #CreativeToots #yesyes #newbooks #pathos #animals #retro #vintage #mastobooks #fedibooks #sofastories
Abschiedsquatsch: Twitter verlassen, aber Facebook bespielen | heise online
https://heise.de/-7367682 Den Journalisten schwimmen die Felle weg, sprich die Reichweite, ergo bemüht man Zusammenhalt und Kampfgeist. #pathos #twitter #deutschland #journalismus
#journalismus #deutschland #twitter #pathos
Pathos è un videogioco open source in stile Rogue. È uno dei tanti remake, e probabilmente quello più riuscito, del del famoso Nethack!
LINK --> https://www.lealternative.net/2021/04/30/pathos/
#Desktop #Smartphone #nethack #pathos #pixeldungeon #rogue #roguelike
#desktop #smartphone #nethack #pathos #pixeldungeon #rogue #roguelike
RT @PathOS_EU@twitter.com
📢Call for experts! The #PathOS co-creation #community is currently in development. Do you want to contribute to the better understanding and measuring of #OpenScience impact?
Learn more about the #PathOS use cases and how to join the community here:
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/PathOS_EU/status/1597597883213434880
#pathos #Community #openscience
Whoulda thunkit the #Hamster could be so deep and filled with #Pathos
RT @timolloyd@twitter.com
Whatever you think of him, this story from Richard Hammond is quite something
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/timolloyd/status/1594422480004866113
Le registre pathétique n'est-il pas au cœur de cette faculté de la littérature, de créer et d'entretenir des liens humains ?
#littérature #registres #coursdefrançais #bac #lesmisérables #victorhugo #cosette #christ #pathétique #pathos #humain #humanité #lettres #livres
#litterature #registres #coursdefrancais #bac #LesMiserables #victorhugo #cosette #christ #pathetique #pathos #humain #humanite #lettres #livres
Je voudrais me renseigner sur la théorie lacanienne et tout cela.
#JacquesLacan #Lacan #psychanalyse #jouissance #objeta #NomduPère #StadeduMiroir #inconscient #mirage #MoiIdéal #IdéalduMoi #réel #symbolique #imaginaire #sinthome #SchémaL #phallus #signifiant #signifié #GrandAutre #transfert #refoulement #pulsion #eros #pathos #thanatos #métaphore #métonymie #linguistique #structuralisme #sémiologie #phénoménologie #philosophie #psychologie
Here's a controversial tweet about #WordPress. I'd like you all to get quite upset about it. There's no substance, or any context, but it's very important, so please be as upset as me, and amplify it. #pathos #satire
Here's a controversial tweet about #WordPress. I'd like you all to get get quite upset about it. There's no substance, or any context, but it's very important, so please be as upset as me, and amplify it. #pathos #satire
Il gioco open source del venerdì si chiama Pathos, è un bel videogame in stile Rogue, molto appassionante e perfetto per perdere un po' di tempo!
#alternative #game #games #opensource #pathos --> LINK -->
#alternative #game #games #opensource #pathos