We're pleased to be part of the team supporting a significant new #OpenAccess pilot from
ITHAKA called #PathtoOpen for thousands of #universitypress monographs through
Learn more: https://uncpressblog.com/2023/01/18/jstor-and-university-press-partners-announce-path-to-open-books-pilot/
#openaccess #pathtoopen #UniversityPress
Repost ITHAKA: Hot off the presses! We're pleased to announce a significant new #OpenAccess pilot called Path to Open for thousands of #universitypress monographs through JSTOR, with support from ACLS, University of Michigan Press, and @uncpress: https://about.jstor.org/news/jstor-and-university-press-partners-announce-path-to-open-books-pilot/
#openaccess #UniversityPress #pathtoopen